Chapter 1

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"Thomas, we can't be out here! I should be studying for my O.W.Ls and you should be studying for your N.E.W.Ts!"

Thomas looked at me with an amused face and grabbed my hand, dragging me further into the Forbidden Forest.

"You must relax, Elinor, and enjoy the moment! As your brother, I implore you to have a little more enjoyment in your life! When was the last time we were able to spend time together? Last month? The month before that? I'm leaving Hogwarts soon and you will regret not spending more time with me. Who else will listen to your endless complaints of Professor Scrimgeour?" Thomas replied, laughing at the annoyance on my face.

"Even if you are correct, brother, there is nothing more important than education. If I want to be a healer, I have to pass all my subjects. None of my studying schedules have an evening of sneaking in the forbidden forest included."

Thomas ignored me and led us further in, wandering off the path and into the depths of the trees. I turned around to see no sign of civilization in any direction.

"I don't understand what you could possibly want to show me that is this deep into the forest."

"Shhhh, look, we are coming upon it now."

I looked past his shoulder to see a small cabin, looking as if it had been abandoned for years. Woods planks that had fallen from the house scattered the ground while vines ran up what was left of it. The door was slightly ajar as if inviting us inside.

"Thomas... I do not believe we should be here. This place doesn't look safe" I told him, slightly tugging on the sleeve of his robe in hopes to lead him away.

"Nonsense! Alfred and I went in last week and had no problems. You know how the Weasleys are, that boy is afraid of his own shadow and even he entered. Don't tell me you are scared, Elinor. Where's that Slytherin pride you always talk about?" He grinned at me, knowing I wouldn't admit to being scared, at least in front of him.

"Very well, but you have to lead."

"Of course, dear sister."

I let Thomas walk into the cabin, following close behind. As he opened the door, it creaked and groaned, obviously not having been oiled in years. Inside, old, wooden furniture was rotting from water damage. A bed in the corner was sinking down in the middle, the discoloration making it look as if someone had died there and had not been found for a long time.

As I looked around, I felt more and more uneasy. There were scratches on the wall and handprints in a red color, making me hope I wasn't seeing what I thought I was.

"Thomas, this place is absolutely horrible, why did you even think of showing me this?" I looked at Thomas with a disgusted look on my face.

"This place, however horrible it may be, is the most interesting thing that has happened to me all year. Hogwarts is just so terribly boring, so why not add a little mystery once in a while?" He motioned to the handprints. "Maybe in the past, this was the home of a murderer, where he hid from aurors on his trail! Or perhaps this was the home of a werewolf, where he stayed during his transitions! The possibilities are endless, Elinor. You must be curious about what this is, no?" He looked at me with an eyebrow raised.

"Curious is a strong word. I'm not even sure I would use the term 'interested'. I am, however, curious if dinner is starting to be served. Can we please go now?" I begged him, knowing my brother's weakness for food.

"If you insist, we can leave. Such a shame that we will never know the story of this place" He said as he made his way for the door.

Just before he could reach for the handle to fully open the door, the door slammed shut, with a black form running across the room.

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⏰ Last updated: May 12 ⏰

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