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- Alexo Fannett pov

In the morning. My alarm woke me up, gosh, this alarm is so loud, why can't It just take a chill pill.

I sighed before I rubbed my face and I then got out of the bed and turned off the Alarm

"Gosh. Another day at the shitty school.."

I sighed before I grabbed some clothes and put them on. I then walk to the bathroom and I brush my teeth and wash my face

"Maybe this day will be better then before.."

- down stairs

"Good Morning Sweetie!"

My mom said as she was cooking breakfast, she was looking happy as always

"Mhm, yeah morning"

"Aw sweetie, did you not sleep enough tonight? You seem grumpy"

My mom said

"No mama, everything is okay"

"Oh, okay then"

My mom then replied

"Just make sure to have a good day today, okay Sweetie?"

My mom said

"Yeah, I guess I'll try"

I replied

My mom then smiled at me, she was always like this, a morning person and a thing that wouldn't hit a fly

-At school

After I ate breakfast and got ready, I got to school. Gosh, I wanted to dissapear already. I was at my locked when suddenly, someone wrapped their arms around me from behind. I shivered before I turned around to see. My enemy. Steffan Fox.

"Steffan, what do you want."

"Eh nothing, just to annoy you, does it not ring a bell?"

He said in that annoying voice. Gosh I hated him.

"Steffan, it's early in the morning. Please, let me at least start the morning without you."

"Hm. How about no."

He said before he kept his arms around my waist.

I sighed, gosh he was annoying and I hated that he was taller then me and 1 year older.

"Steff! Come on! Quit annoying that loser and come hang out"

Daniel Gonvick said. Daniel is a friends and buddies with Steffan

"Uh huh, yeah comming Dans!"

Steffan said, I sighed in relief, thinking he will leave me alone, but then he sudden my tightened his arms around my waist and whispered into my ear

"We're not done yet. Meet me in the boys locked at 9."

He said before I let go of me and walked away with Daniel.

I was getting weird and strange feelings when he just said those words. Meet him at 9? What will he do then if I don't come? I don't know, I'm feeling like is should go, but I also feel that I shouldn't..

- at 9

Gosh, what was I getting myself into, well there's no turning back. I'm here. And he will come in any minute.
I was standing in the boys locker room waiting for Steffan, and suddenly he walked in

"Oh? Didn't actually expect you to be here Alexo. Thought you wouldn't arrive. Good boy, for arriving."

Steffan said

"Yeah yeah, cut the bullshit, what do you want, what is the point of me being here right now."

"Hm, someone's inpatient. Fine, I guess I could show you the reason."

Steffan said

"Huh? Show me? Why show me? Can't you-"

Before I could've finished my sentence, he pinned against one of the locked and kissed me. My fucking enemy kissed me. It was so weird.. Gosh, so this is why he wanted to 'show' me.. Fuck. I wanna push him away, but my body is saying otherwise, why does my body like this? Fucking work body!
As Steffan was kissing me, I couldn't resist but just give in to the kiss and kiss him back. When he noticed me kissing him back, he wrapped his arms around my waist and kept on kissing me passionately..

- after awhile

After a while, we broke the kiss and both of us were panting and breathing heavily as we looked at each other without saying anything.. My mind was so fuzzy now, all I was thinking of was him.

"Hah, seems like you were enjoying, right Alexo?"

Steffan said with a smirk on his face

"S-shut up.. Idiot."

When I called him an idiot, he laughed before giving me a kiss on the cheek

"Well, the answer to your question is that I like you. I've liked you for a long time, Alexo. But I was just too, uhm, scared? I don't know, but you get the point"

Steffan said

"So your saying all these years of annoying me and making fun of me, just because you like me"

"Yeah, kind of. I'm sorry for that tho, I always thought that all these feeling were just a joke, but turns out it's not."

Steffan said

"Well, I kind of like you too"

"W-what? Really?!"

Steffan asked, looking surprise and I just nodded. He then smiled

"Oh gosh, thank you Alexo, you can't believe how happy I am now"

Steffan said before he leaned in and gave me a quick kiss

"Yeah yeah, your welcome"

🎀this the chapter 1 "Confession". Gonna make more chapters in the future, love you all<3🎀

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⏰ Last updated: May 15 ⏰

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