I wasn't expecting this one. (STORY)

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"Life is full of surprises, but I certainly wasn't expecting this one." Allie mumbled with sarcasm as her parents left. They did that often. She's found herself alone more times than she can count. It was going like all of her other days, making food, watching something, stretching, studying, practicing guitar, and drawing. She was just finishing a quick sketch until she heard footsteps. She stopped everything and stared at her bedroom door, wide-eyed. She looked like a deer stuck in headlights. As the footsteps grew louder, indicating that the thing was getting closer, she dashed for her closet. She opened a large empty plastic container and got in, putting the lid on it to look natural. She knew it wasn't just her imagination this time. Someone was actually there. She thought she was supposed to be home alone, but apparently she wasn't. The footsteps sounded like her mother's, the person she was terrified of. She suddenly had an idea.

"The window!" she whispered to herself. She always had a bag filled with everything she would need if she ever got kicked out or had to run away. The footsteps seemed to have turned the other way, it sounded like whatever it was was now in the basement. She popped the lid off and grabbed the bag. She put her shoes on, grabbed her cat, threw the bag over her shoulder, opened the window and jumped out.

"ow.." she whimpered as she hit the ground. At least she saved the cat from the impact. "Maybe jumping from the second story wasn't a good idea..." she added as she got up and headed to a nearby forest. She walked for a good hour and a half before settling down by a river.

"Thank god I bought that leash last year..." she muttered before she heard a twig snap. It sounded like an animal and then something charged at her, she tried to run away but it was too fast. Her breathing was heavy and she passed out.

"Alright gang!" a strange figure said "we're gonna go into the forest, don't get hunted. Stay with the group." it added.

"Whatever you say, mom." a different creature added.

"Pluto! Be nice, you mommy issues having-" a third entity spoke.

That's enough, you two!" the first creature shouted, cutting off the third.

"Sorry Solar..." the two apologized.

After the group of 6 walked for around 20 minutes they came across a human girl, no older than 15, hunched over, barely conscious.

"I'm in pain.." she murmured.

"Do you mean like emotional pain or- oh! oh god! That's a lot of blood" the third creature, Harper, questioned.

"Pain, yes." Allie said until she got cut off by a coughing fit.

"Oh look, a child is coughing." Pluto announced before getting scolded by Solar as she cradled Allie.

"-and you need to remember you were like her too when we found you!" Solar finished before turning her attention towards Allie "Are you okay, sweetheart? Can you breathe?"

"W-who-" she coughed "are y-you..? Wh-what are all of you..?" Allie shakily asked.

"Well, I'm Solar, the one with 7 eyes is Pluto" she pointed at Pluto, who gave an unamused sigh "the deer looking one is Harper" she pointed towards Harper who waved "the sea creature looking girl is Athena!" she pointed to Athena, who gave a friendly smile "the fairy looking one is Fay" she pointed at Fay, who seemed to be in her own world "and the one who has a lot of jewelry and 8 eyes is Venus, but they prefer Fiz" she said as she pointed towards Fiz, who was torturing a worm. "and if you need to refer to all of us, we call ourselves 3x2"

"That's..." Allie whispered, panting "great..." She finished right before passing out.

"Oops... i think we should head back... and before you ask, Pluto, yes, we are bringing her with us." Solar stated.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11 ⏰

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