You wake up, in the middle of the night, terrified, your sweating, and crying, It's just a dream. You repeat to yourself, you feel as you could just, throw up.

You wander to the kitchen, feeling alone, after that dream, you don't want to be alone, then all of a sudden, FLASH. All you see is black.

You scream, and fall over, you feel as if there are needles in your body, "HELP" You yell out, but no one answers. Then, FLASH. you're fine, what the fuck...? You ask in your head.

Then you could have SWORN, someone, or something said, "I will kill you" but, you can't quite remember, so you just, ignore it. You walk out of your kitchen, and go upstairs to your room, to get dressed, you have to go see your boyfriend, or, if you can even call it that. He's been distant, seemingly only wanting your body, but you still love him. Or are you lying to yourself?

It's all too confusing, who cares anyway? You get dressed, and walk out the door, and get in the car, but then, you hear... Knock.... Knock.... Knock.... You again ignore it, a little freaked out, you just move on, as this has been happening for around a month. You feel as if someone is stabbing your back, but you say to yourself, "once I see Kaleb, I will feel better" once at your boyfriends house, Kaleb, you walk up to the door, but no one answers, all you hear is your faint breath, and sniffles.

Again you knock, just in case. But then a neighbor walks out and says "Oh, he's not home, he's been gone for a few days, his bills need to be paid, he does this every time" the kind gentleman says. "Oh okay, thank you for your time," he nods and goes to the mail box, you get into the car, and huff what am I supposed to do now...? Then you remember, what you have in the cabinet under the sink, in your bathroom. You go home immediately.

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⏰ Last updated: May 15 ⏰

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