rocanville war 2

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Now remember o my god
O my
O my god
Dear lord

I just saw that explosion that looked like another attack that really looked like a good size attack on rocanville community that was a big explosion unbelievable

Right now rocanville town is under attack
Repeat rocanville is under attack during this time so if you in the rocanville you are being told to evacuate 

Please Don't hesitate nothing just evacuate the rocanville town
We got large bombs explosions gun firing its just unbelievable

Buildings are falling apart homes are being torn down jobs are being lost it's just unbelievable lots of broken glass there lots of wrecked cars debris everywhere It's just unbelievable there's nothing like an attack on rocanville town
This is an attack on the town the second longest war in rocanville has not yet stopped at all it keeps going there just a lot of debris everywhere in rocanville here there's no telling anyone about this rocanville town it's a war in the longest war since the first attack when the first attack happened it ended fast but this is the second attack in rocanville there's a massive amount of debris everywhere  holy shit that was fucking awesome hell yeah might have been a good attack on rocanville community that's fucking awesome right here inside the town of Rocanville
What are you doing
What the fuck am i  doing you cunt skin off my ass bitch  piece of shit fucking move damn it god damn it shit fuck shut the fucking hell up bitches now keep your fucking mouth shut or your hung to death now shut up for once you fucking cunt bitch bastard fuck you cunt fuck you o my fucking god Jesus christ fucking son of a bitch what the fucking hell are you fucking kidding me what the fuck

That's my nissan p12 car I got it 5 years ago I love street racing through rocanville that's right in rocanville it's street racing blowing thru stop signs keeping the town awake all night long without any sleep that's why I am tearing up the streets of rocanville town you're not going to stop this is my nissan p12 car i own the whole town i can do whatever I want its 2 am in the morning and street racing is still going on rocanville community can't get any sleep burning rubber doughnuts in the middle of the town revving engines loudly waking up 1300 people going back and forth on the streets leaving tire marks everywhere making smoke street racing through rocanville that's right it's fun drinking and driving street racing style yeah That's fun to do challenge 5 people who were on one car the last one left hanging on wins it's fun to do with the cars street racing in rocanville town there's no place to do it in middle of rocanville This is the home of street racing through rocanville it's a race around the town of Rocanville This keeps Rocanville awaken during the night and into the early mornings hours there is nothing anyone can do except smell the diesel fuel exhaust pipe in the air that's what we like doing with the street racing burning rubber doughnuts street racing in rocanville town there's no place but be prepared for any anything about to happen the main Street is clear to do street racing in rocanville flying dust flying debris everywhere during the street racing  town of rocanville This is the home of street racing  that's what street racing is still going around the town of Rocanville  town of rocanville street racing lots of people who were here to watch the street racing unfold in the rocanville town

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