Long time ago..

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He was cold, his feet didn't respond, his hands moved them with great difficulty trying to open the door.

The shadows were approaching and with them the temperature dropped.

Ingrid forced the door until after a few seconds it opened. When trying to take a step, Ingrid realized that she was paralyzed, she couldn't move. In front of her there was a road that led to her salvation but it was already too late.

The shadows surrounded her, scratching her skin with invisible and sharp claws. Loud hums become a word when they reach Ingrid's ears.

He didn't walk but he moved, the door walked away, he tried to go back, but he only managed to fall to the ground.

The shadows were swallowing her.

He didn't have strength anymore. He could only scream knowing that no one heard her and that with his fear he fed those unclean beings.

He closed his eyes, he strongly wished not to be there, he wished he had not played with what he did not know, he wished that each and every one of those beings would disappear and for the last wish that all his friends would live again and thus be able to see them even if it was only once more.

The buzzing stopped, he was no longer cold and when he opened his eyes he saw his friends, his wishes had been fulfilled.

Everyone was worried, their faces were dislocated and most of them tried to lift her off the ground.

It was in the day, the curtains that previously did not let the light through were collected, the ouija board was on the table with a glass in the center.

Ingrid didn't understand what had happened, according to her friends, she had fainted when she touched the glass, but she only remembered having arrived at the cabin to spend the weekend and after having played a game that had caused the death of her friends and almost hers.

At nightfall, everyone went to sleep. Ingrid was the last to go up to the second floor because of the fear that caused her to close her eyes and be trapped by those beings again, she felt that something was looking at her, that something surrounded her.

The light on the second floor was on, so after calming down and thinking that it had only been an absurd sensation, he turned off the light and leaving the door of his room surrounded, he lay down on the bed with the intention of sleeping.

She couldn't reconcile the dream since any sound scared her, when she turned she was frightened of her own image reflected in a mirror.

When he closed his eyes, he finally managed to fall asleep.

The shadows returned, caught her, the cold invaded her body again, a shiver, a scream and with a jump she woke up. I was awake again.

A shiver invaded his body when he heard a noise. When he looked at the door, he saw that the door of the room was wide open and that the light in the hallway was on.

Ingrid got up and felt that her instinct told her no. When the switch is pressed, the bulb blashed.

Ingrid felt the need to go down to the floor if someone had gone to watch TV and left the light on.

Go down the stairs carefully. The steps creaked in her path, something that scared her and made her heart beat faster than usual.

Although I was cold, I was sweating. When he arrived at the last step, he couldn't stand the temptation to return to his room, but a strange impulse of courage prevented it.

Once downstairs, Ingrid decided to go to the dining room in case there was anyone. To get to the room, he had to cross a long corridor, which made his entire skeleton tremble.

She had her shirt soaked in sweat and that made her uncomfortable. When she arrived at the dining room, she could see that there was no one but she woke up.

When he turned to return to his room, he saw a small beam of light coming from the kitchen.

When he arrived at the small room where the remains of the dinner were left, he saw a flashlight lit on a small round table.

Ingrid took the flashlight and when she heard a noise, her heart shot and ran until she reached the dining room again where there was more light. When he arrived at the dining room, he saw all his friends sitting around the ouija board.

Each of his friends had his index finger on a glass that did not make any movement.

What do you do at this time when you wake up? I ask Ingrid.

There was no answer, just a cold silence.

Ingrid approached them and asked them not to joke but none of them was unmoted, about to cry, she got close enough to see how the glass began to move, little by little a set of letters.

After a while the word that formed the letters was: LET'S PLAY.

His friends stopped looking at the ouija board to look at Ingrid with her faces dislocated and with looks that froze her blood.

Ingrid stepped back a few steps instinctively and then saw how her friends pounced on her.

When I screamed and closed my eyes, I felt a strange tranquility until I felt some strange buzzing again. The buzzing took on meaning and the cold and fear invaded Ingrid's body again.

His friends had become the shadows and the last thing he could feel was how those beings pierced his skin with their claws, killing her little by little and hoping that it could not be more than a nightmare, he fainted from the pain.

The families were very worried because they had not seen their children for more than a week. When the police called, they went to the address of the cabin right away. One of the police officers when knocking on the door saw that it was open, when he entered he saw that everything was tidy, taking into account that it was a cabin of some teenagers. As he crossed a corridor and reached a large room, a chill flooded his body. There was a girl with skin shreds and a set of boys sitting around a type of board. Each boy had his hands full of blood and with one of his fingers, the only one that was not full of blood, they touched a glass that was on top of a small piece of paper. The policeman opened the folded paper and there were only two words written: Game Over.

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