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As Anuj and Shruti arrived home with a cake to celebrate Shruti's birthday with Aadhya, the weight of unresolved tension hung heavily in the air. Aadhya's innocent inquiry about their day was met with reluctance, both Anuj and Shruti hesitant to divulge the truth, fearing it would only serve to hurt her. Shruti, ever the protector, brushed off the question, citing their need for personal space. Aadhya, perceptive as always, hummed in understanding, her silence speaking volumes. Anuj, grateful for her understanding, silently mouthed a thank you to her, his heart heavy with the burden of their shared secret.

As they later gathered around the cake, laughter and music filling the room, a semblance of normalcy returned momentarily. They danced, teased each other, and shared moments of joy, but the awkwardness between Anuj and Shruti remained palpable, a constant reminder of the rift that had formed between them. Despite their efforts to bury the past, the unresolved issue lingered like a shadow, refusing to be ignored.

After Aadhya retired to her room, Anuj urged Shruti to take some time for herself, acknowledging the emotional toll of the day. With a weary nod, Shruti retreated to her room, leaving Anuj alone in the living room, grappling with his inner turmoil.

Sitting on the sofa, Anuj found himself drawn to the past, watching old videos from his marriage to Anupama. His intention was to delete them, to erase any trace of their failed relationship, but something held him back. Memories flooded his mind, emotions he had long buried rising to the surface. His thoughts were interrupted by Shruti's entrance, her presence a stark reminder of the reality he could no longer ignore.

 His thoughts were interrupted by Shruti's entrance, her presence a stark reminder of the reality he could no longer ignore

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"Do you want to go back to Anupama?"
Shruti's voice was soft, tinged with sadness.

Anuj met her gaze, sensing the pain behind her words. He sighed, his heart heavy with regret as he spoke

Anuj: "I never imagined it like that. When she left, I wanted closure, not to reignite our story."

Shruti's eyes brimmed with tears, her vulnerability laying bare.

Shruti: "If Anupama reaches out, will you take her hand?"

Anuj paused, his mind swirling with conflicting emotions.

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