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Alyha's POV:

It was the same day as always, the same day I will just wake up and wonder "Why am I here in the first place?" Welp, I actually don't know, but I probably should wake up from my bed.

I got off my bed, and went outside my house. My house was pretty small, the size of a cabin.

I walked through the green grass trying to find Mama. She was the only one in my family left including my twin sibling. I kept walking, until I finally saw Mama in the distance.

Alyha: Mam, there you are.

Mom: Hallo, lieverd. I have a job for you to do, can you give these baskets of apples to Miss Sarah? After that I'll make you some food.

Alyha: I guess.

I grabbed the baskets of apples, and went heading to the village all across the forest. The forest was very beautiful to look at, but also dangerous. Once I was attacked by a giant black bear who was killed afterwards, ouch.

After walking through the forest, I got to the village named Liefdevol. Which in English means lovingly.

In this town I am known as the witch for some reason. Everyone says that because of my white hair and purple eyes, but I don't really care about what others think. I'm just being me.

I walked through the village looking for Miss Sarah's house, but with a lot of people staring at me. I kinda felt uncomfortable with all those eyes around, I could just ignore it, right? I actually can't.

After minutes of walking, I finally find Miss Sarah's house. I stood up in front of the front door, and knocked on the door waiting for an answer. After one 1 someone finally responded.

?: Who 's there?

Alyha: Is this Miss Sarah?

Miss Sarah: Y-yeah? Oh, Alyha. You're here to bring the baskets of apples?

Alyha: Yeah.

Miss Sarah: I thought your mom was coming, anyways IT WAS NICE TO MEET YOU BUT, BYE!

She slams the door in front of me after taking the basket of apples. It was really weird when a lot of people were scared of me, it's not like I bite. At least Miss Sarah has a reason to be scared, she lost her own children in a fire.

I probably should head home, I'm pretty hungry. I didn't get anything for breakfast today because I had to give the apples to Mrs.Sarah. Let's just hope nothing happens today, and also I'll try not to get killed.


Alyha: Huh—?

A white carriage came from nowhere almost crashing into me. Hopefully the horses maintaining the carriage stopped it before I could die. Wow, my day can't get even better than it is right now, can it?


Alyha: Who are you calling peasants you... DOMME BEWAKER!!!

The guard got out of the carriage, and pointed a sword right to my throat. He had black messy hair, brown eyes, white skin, and had a scar on his nose. The guard was wearing iron armor, which means he's from the Koninklijk palace. Most guards that are from there are more meaner, and ruder.

Guard: Who are you calling DOMME!!! You know I can do a lot of things to you with this sword!

Alyha: Okay, do it! My life can't get any worse!

Guard: Okay, you asked for i—

??: WAIT!

A girl that looked my age got off the carriage. She had brown wavy long hair, blue ocean eyes, tan skin, she had a pearl necklace, had black heels, and was wearing a gray and light gray dress. She must be Mary from the palace. I heard of her, but I have never seen her outside in this town.

Guard: Lady Mary, this peasant here is disturbing our way. Does she have some type of white hair? Witch!

Alyha: Sir, I was born like this already? Are you stupid of something?

Guard: Don't call me stupid! Especially with your purple eyes. Are you a witch?

Alyha: No, but I can make you disappear like one.

Guard: What do you mean by that?

Mary: She means that she will burn you like all those other witches.

Guard: HAHA, very funny. You know what? Maybe I should burn you, since you most look like a witch.

Mary: I don't think we are allowed to do that, unless all the village agrees.

Alyha: Oh, trust me the whole village is afraid of me, and all because of one of the stupidest ways. I bet everyone in the village except my family wants me burned.

Guard: If thats so? Okay, I'll burn you down as soon as people help me do the setup.

The guard grabbed my arm so aggressively that it hurt pretty bad. I punched the guard as hard as a rock, making him drop to the floor unconscious. Mary looked at me in surprise, and I looked at her scared. A ran away after that, as fast as the wind.

Mary's POV:

Mary: See you later! Are you okay?

Guard: Of course I'm not— I'm so sorry lady Mary, but where is the peasant?

Mary: She left running.

Guard: Why didn't you catch her? Do I really have to do everything by myself?

Mary: According to royal rules, yes you do. You are my guard, and you must do everything I ask you to do. Which means I don't want you to burn that poor girl.

Guard: But ma'am!

Mary: No BUTS. Anyways, let's go to the orphanage, and deliver toys to these poor children. 

Alyha's POV:

After running for minutes, I finally got to my home. My mom was waiting with porridge in the table. Porridge was one of the most common things the whole village ate, and sometimes bread. I sat on the floor in front of the table, our table was very short because we didn't have enough money to buy a bigger one. My siblings were already sitting in their spots eating like they haven't eaten in years. They weren't the same as me, they had black medium curly hair, black eyes,  and brown skin. They were both wearing ripped brown clothes, since we also didn't have money for new clothes.

Mom: So how was your day, Alyha?

Alyha: Not great, as always. I met the princess today, her guard tried to attack me.

Gerrit: Ooooo, Alyha got into trouble.

Alyha: You know, Gerrit? Do you remember that time you decided to roast me for a small piece of bread? You are so stupid that you choose bread over me.

Mom: Hey! We don't call anyone stupid in this table, you hear me?

Alyha: But it's true!

Cornelia: Mom, Alyha also got pointed with a sword to her throat. It's not her fault she's not in a good mood right now, she's just stressed about what happened.

Alyha: Whisper Thank you.

Mom: If that's so? Alyha, please be more careful. I can't risk another family member getting burned again. Try to stay out of trouble, your dad would have wanted that.

Alyha: That one who's dead? How many times do you have to remind me? I'm not a child anymore, I can take care of myself! I don't care anymore if I get burnt alive, I JUST WANT TO LEAVE THIS PLACE!!!

I got up, and walked away with worried looks from my family. I just couldn't stand it hearing everyone reminding me of my dad! I just wish I never had been born, it would just have been a great decision.

I walked into the forest, and sat on a small rock next to a river. I looked at my looks in the reflection of the water, wondering if I'm actually a monster of just a normal human being. While watching my reflection I heard a small crack coming from the distance. It was Mary.

~To be continues~

(AUTHOR'S NOTE: After not posting the first chapter of this book since November, I finally posted it!!!)

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