part 1

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Idk, I'm bored and procrastinating!!! AND I MISSED THESE TWO!!! I don't know where this is going or where the story's going but here we are!

there will be more parts coming soon for sure!

enjoy Paraswift at their sweetest (:


[Some time before the European leg of the eras tour]


The few months of break between Asian and European leg of the tour were really fun. Taylor and Margot took a vacation for a week on some island in the Pacific, then when they got back to the States, well... They still spent all their free time stuck to one another. They went to parties together, surrounded by all of their friends. They went on quiet date nights, just the two of them. They went on walks in the evenings after dinner at home, taking Margot's dogs to the park. They invited Sebastian and Valerie over. They visited Blake and Ryan, or Jack and Margaret. Galas, and fundraisers and business events Margot wanted her partner right by her side at and Taylor was more than happy to accompany her. But they also spent every night together, in bed at the end of the day, quietly reading a book or journalling, or flipping through Netflix until they tired themselves out and went to sleep with one of them either gently scratching the other's back or playing with her hair absentmindedly.

They were so comfortably in sync now. They knew each other really well and still, they learned a new thing about the other every day that made them even more sure of just how in love they were.

It was beautiful and really special and they both knew it.

Margot planned on visiting Taylor in Europe often. She planned meetings in various cities so her stops would still include some work and worked her schedule around Taylor's. She wouldn't be able to stay with her the entire time but every few weekends, she was planning on making a stop and spend some time with her.

Taylor went back to rehearsals and meetings to plan the return of the tour which would include a completely different setlist a few weeks before she was set to fly to Paris. She spent early mornings at the gym and the rest of the day going over the routines with her crew, which meant she was practically incapacitated by the time she was back in bed, pretty late at night. She barely had the energy to shower and get food in her system. Margot wasn't really good at cooking herself. In fact, it was probably a safety hazard to leave her in a kitchen alone so she started making it a point to stop by Taylor's favourite restaurants to make sure she had food waiting for her by the time she got back home whenever the blonde didn't have any food prepped.

She asked Joseph to grab them both some club sandwiches from a deli nearby with a basket of sweet potato fries on the side and by the time she was done unloading the bag of food in the kitchen, Taylor was out of the shower, her hair wrapped up in a towel, and making a beeline for the BRITA filter to fill a glass up.

"Oh, that smells really good!" She practically moaned, holding her cup in both hands while walking up to Margot and leaning down to peck her cheek. "Thank you, my favourite human being in the while wide world!"

Margot grinned up at her from her seat at the table and wrapped her arms around her girlfriend's waist. "You smell really good!" she retorted, pulling Taylor into her lap and nuzzling her neck.

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