Killer car.

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You were walking down the street  alone after your best friend house and it was storming. Choose 1 item. ( Belly shirt, Jacket, T-shirt) The third one was what you should've picked because it's raining. You put your hoodie over your head walked fast. You turned back to look what was behind you and then you saw this

You didn't know what to think but you had that one thought in your head "It's a kidnapper, but they can't have a nice car like this

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You didn't know what to think but you had that one thought in your head "It's a kidnapper, but they can't have a nice car like this..." Then you started to walk even faster, And suddenly the car sped up to get right beside you. You saw your house across the street,

It was December and it snowed and then started to storm Which was weird

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It was December and it snowed and then started to storm Which was weird. Then you looked back again and seen that it's kinda far from you,

You started to move up in your driveway and then you had enough so you turned around and yelled at it "HEY, STOP FOLLOWING ME OR I'LL CALL THE POLICE!!" You called out, and suddenly the colors lights flashed off and you could see is this,

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You started to move up in your driveway and then you had enough so you turned around and yelled at it "HEY, STOP FOLLOWING ME OR I'LL CALL THE POLICE!!" You called out, and suddenly the colors lights flashed off and you could see is this,

You started to move up in your driveway and then you had enough so you turned around and yelled at it "HEY, STOP FOLLOWING ME OR I'LL CALL THE POLICE!!" You called out, and suddenly the colors lights flashed off and you could see is this,

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Suddley it started revving it's engine and you walked closer even though in this situation your not to do. And the driver door opened by it's self and the lights flashed, You said to the car "You want me to drive you don't ya?" The car honked and flashed it's lights at the same time. You got in and buckled up and put your hands on the wheel, "It's gonna be a long night" You didn't know what to think... But you backed up and then drove out of your driveway. And soon as you know you started driving on the interstate

 And soon as you know you started driving on the interstate

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It was so decorated in the inside it even had flowers. You put your hands off the wheel to see if it could drive by it's self but it wasn't electric but soon as you know it was driving you. Then you headed back home after that journey and then after all that when you woke up it was there in your yard

And it wouldn't let you have no lover in there or else  the car would hurt them

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⏰ Last updated: May 09 ⏰

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