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Lilith's pov—
I ran across the parking lot and hopped in the drivers seat. "Hey where'd you go?" Terese asked.
"I went and checked on Jade, a little story time..." I started.

I drove home, "—she was harassing me and her little friend behind her was giggling, Jade had noticed that the girl that she fought with was her." I finished pulling into the driveway. "Oh shit." She said. 

"Yeah.." I sighed turning off the car, silence filled the air for two seconds before Terese opened her door and got out, I followed after her inside. We sat on the couch.

"Hey.. so I heard some kids talking about a party while you were over with Jade.. I got the girls number and she sent me the place..." Terese said. "Uh.. what?" I asked. "You wanna go?" She asked. "Duh! Dude it'll be just like old times!" We giggled.

"Ok so it's not until a little later so.. what do you wanna do to blow off time?" She asked. "Not sure, wanna watch a movie?" I asked. "Sure." We watched a movie falling asleep for a few hours. We woke up around 7 ish pm.

"Hey" I lightly nudged Terese. "H- huh?" She woke up looking around. "What time is that party?" I asked. "Oh shit!" She fumbled picking up her phone. She sighed loudly, "in like an hour." She said. "Okay, let's get ready." I said getting up.

We rummaged through clothes, "should we go slutty or casual?" She asked. "Kinda wanna go a little slutty.." I replied giggling. "Fuck yeah me too." I changed into a tube top and a mini skirt, I threw a leather jacket over it and picked up a white bag putting my keys, wallet and phone in.

Terese wore a matching skirt and a see through top that showed her bra, with a zip up jacket. "Cute!!" She squealed. "No you!" I said. "Now to sneak out.." Terese gave a side eye. I giggled and opened the door slowly, me and her tip toed all the way out to the car and jumped in quickly. "Where's this party at?" I asked pulling out the drive way.

"I sent you the attdy." She said. I connected my Bluetooth to the car and put on music while following the google maps directions. We pulled up to a big ass house, "holy fucking shit bro." Terese gasped. I was to gawked to speak. "Okay who's the rich bitch?" I asked.

We laughed, I parked the car on the side of the road and we walked to the house, the place was booming with light and music that shook the ground sending light vibrations through your body. "Dude this is so cool!" I said opening the door and me and her walked in. "I don't even know these people bro." I said looking around, "me neither let's have fun!"

We walked around getting a layout for the place, it was so big. The place was full of alcohol, red cups everywhere. We walked diver to the drinks, "what's even in here?" I asked pulling up the ladle full of the mystery alcohol and pouring it back. "Who cares!" She took the ladle, grabbed a cup and filled it taking a drink. "Whooo! That shit is strong!" She said making a sour face squeezing her eyes closed bad opening them again.

I smiled grabbing some for myself. "WOAH." I said taking a sip, "you weren't lying- holy fuck!" We giggled, walking onto the dance floor sipping our drinks.

I'm pretty sure I was tipsy at this point, still sober enough to remember the night. I pulled out my phone from my bag leaning against a wall that didnt have people making out on, and texted Jade.

Jade 🫶
>heyyyyyyyyyyy :))))
<hey, what's with the 11 'y's?
>I think I'm drunk hahaaaaa
<baby what?
<where are you?
>im in this big ass mansion looking thingy.
<do you have the address?
> address* giant mansion thingy hehee
<im coming to get you
>whattttt whyyyy :(((((((
<who are you with?
>im with Terese!!
<I'll be there in 5 baby, please don't drink anymore.
> noooooo promisessesesesese 😘😘

I giggled putting my phone back in my bag and Terese walked over to me. "Hey!! Why aren't you dancing come on!" She pulled me onto the dance floor and held on to my waist, I wrapped my arms around her neck and danced to the beat.

Jades pov—
I pulled up to this giant house with flashing lights and loud ass music, what the hell did Terese get Lilith into? I parked behind her car and made my way inside the house, I looked around, people making out, people passed out and a crowd on the dance floor, I walked over to see and it was Lilith and Terese dancing to a song.

Lilith was shaking her ass on Terese and Terese was fake making money rain. People were cheering and actually throwing money, the place reeked of alcohol and it was sweaty. I pushed through the crowd and grabbed Lilith's wrist. "Babe let's go." I said as she made eye contact. "What why?" She asked smiling, Terese had stopped and looked at me annoyed.

"Because you're drunk." I said. "I don't want to!" She yelled and heads turned, staring. "Come on." I whispered. "Why? You afraid ima take your bitch?" Terese jumped in. "Fuck you." And with that I punch Terese in the face. The crowed "ooouuueed" & "ohhhed" "jade! What the hell?!" Lilith yelled. She helped Terese up. "Fuck." Terese said blinking. "Jade, what the fuck is wrong with you?!" Lilith said, with water in her eyes.

My heart dropped. Fuck, no why did I do that. "Jade I can't believe you." She said examining Teres's face. "We need a break- time apart- I- I- don't care but I don't want to see you. Just go." She said.

Stupid, no why the fuck did I do that? What's wrong with me, no Lilith god I'm so sorry, fuck no I can't loose her. I felt a tear rolled down my cheek. I quickly whipped it and turned around, I didn't look back, and I drove home.

Lilith's pov—
"Terese are you okay?" I asked. "Yeah, we should go though." She said and we walked to the car and left. We made it back and Jade was on the couch with Jayson.

Right. Babysitter.

"Let's go upstairs." I said to Terese and we went up stairs. "What did you mean when you said "why? You afraid ima take your bitch?" ?" I asked. "Oh, I had found out a while ago that yall were dating, and I just kind of felt like I was losing my bestfriend because you moved and I can't really be around anymore." I felt guilty, I didn't want her to be upset because I hang out with other people, I hate I made her feel that way.

Jades pov—
I over heard there conversation, what guilt tripping bitch. I can't believe she used that card, Lilith is so blindsided because she's her friend. I feel so so so bad that I ruined this, why did I even punch her it wasn't worth- well- yes it was but that's besides the point. What the fuck is wrong with me. I walked back down stairs and sat next to Jayson.

"When we were back in NY Terese and Lilith were inseparable." Jayson spoke. "What?" I asked. "Terese often talked about her and how she had a crush on her to me." He said. "Terese talked to ყσυ about Lilith?" I asked. "Yeah, it was normal though, she would pick me up from school and drop me off at home and it would just come up in conversation." He stated.

"I'm not surprised if Terese ruined what y'all had." He said, "how did you kn-" he cut me off "I know Terese." He said sighing. "And you didn't fucking warn me earlier.??" "It seemed you knew something was off so I left it alone to see if you would catch on. And it looks like ya did since Terese has a bruise in the middle of her face." He snorted.

"Kid." I chuckled. "Give Lilith some space for her to think, and ask to meet up and talk. Trust me." He said. I shook my head pulling my eyebrows together and exhaling.

A/n what's gonna happen? Are Lilith and Jade done for good? Will Terese get her way?

Vote to find out! :)

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