Joining Kingsfield💙

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~ Lahna's POV ~

Today i start my new school. I don't usually get nervous but i am pretty scared.

In my last school i got bullied for liking football, i don't see the problem with a girl liking football but boys are just boys so i had to get on with it. My mum had a new job so we moved but i was happy as i sorta needed a fresh start.

I am only in year 7 at the moment but i am very mature just not smart. I'm not a naughty student either but i am always talking and i always speak the truth even if it hurts.

I really hope i find better friends at this new school and i really hope that they have some girls that like football too.

"Lans come downstairs and get some breakfast!" my mum shouted.

I quickly ran downstairs, ate my toast as fast as possible then ran to the bathroom to brush my teeth and all that. Once i came out the bathroom, my mum had a confused look on her face.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" I giggled.

My mum quickly answered, " Why are you being so quick? You have ages until you need to be at school."

I turned my head to look at the clock but then quickly turned back as i can't read it. "Ummm what's the time?"

My mum laughed, "You really need to learn how to read a clock, it's 7:15"

I stuck up my thumbs then walked back up the stairs into my room. I got my uniform on then started with my hair. I'm definitely not a girly girl, i am more on the chill side so i just brushed my shoulder-length, brown, curly hair into a ponytail.

I looked at my phone, it read 7:45. School started at half eight so i had some time as it took about 15 minutes to walk there, according to my maps.

After packing my bag, i went into my garden for a while just kicking my ball about. 10 minutes went past and it was 8:05. I placed my ball into my bag then said goodbye to my mum.

"Stay safe Lahna and have fun, i will see you later" my mum said giving me a kiss on the forehead.

"I will and see you later, love you" I replied with a smile.

"Love you too!" my mum shouted as i was walking out the door.

My nerves were setting a little bit as i dribbled my ball down the pavement and doing some tricks i have been trying out. Football has always been a safe place for me, whenever i am angry, sad, annoyed or overwhelmed i go outside and play football. I wish i had friends to play footy with, i hope i make some today. I picked up my ball then put it in my bag as i got closer to the school gates.

As i was walking towards the gate, a ball came towards me. I looked up and saw two girls around my age looking at me. I guessed it was their ball so i kicked it back to them. They both smiled at me so i did the same.

That had changed my mood completely. There are other girls my age that LIKE FOOTBALL. OMG I HOPE THEY ARE IN ONE OF MY CLASSES.

Wait. I can't even remember what they look like and i don't even know their names.

"For goodness sake, i am so stupid" I thought to myself. Well i guess i will have to look for them at lunch or something. With that, i walked in ready for my first day at Kingsfield.

A/N: I hope you all like my first chapter. It might not be that good as i have never written anything before but yeah! Pls put suggestions in the comments or anything but i hope yous all have an amazing day😊 Also i will have quite slow updates coz i am a busy girl and i have school and training and all that but yeah😆

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⏰ Last updated: May 09 ⏰

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