Date [3]

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Today Madison asked me to have a movie date night at her house as a date and I said yes, so I got up to get ready. I put on a pair of sweatpants and a hoodie, let my hair down and got in my car to drive to her house. On the way there I picked up some snacks. When I got there I knocked on the door.

"Hi Bellaa " Mads said when she opened the door

"Hi Mads"I hugged her back

"Come in" She told me. I went inside and left the snacks at the kitchen counter.

"I brought some snacks, I didn't know what you liked, but I got my favorites and I hope you like them" I told her

"Oh don't worry I like all snacks, thank you so much" Madison said pulling the snacks out of the bag and putting them into bowls

"So what movie are we watching" I asked as I was watching her

"I was thinking we could watch the new Scream movie that just came out" She said

"Oh I don't do well with scary movies" I said

"Don't worry it's not scary at all" Mads said. I started getting a little bit worried and she noticed.

"Hey if you don't want to we don't have to watch it but I can assure you that even if you do get scared I will be there for you" Mads told me and I smiled at the idea of her cuddling me

"Okay let's watch it" I said

"And if at any point you feel overwhelmed we can always just change it" She said and I smiled at her. "You're cute when you smile"She said and I blushed"Thank you"

"Come on" She said and we sat down on her couch, really close but not quite touching eachother. She pulled a soft blanket over us, put the movie on and she grabbed my hand intertwining our fingers.

At the beggining it was very chill but about halfway there was a big jumpscare. I jumped and hide my face under the blanket. Mads pulled the blanket of off my head.

"You okay cutie ?" She said

"Yeah I am alright" I said blushing

"Come here" She said and opened her arms for me to lay in. So I layed on her chest and she wrapped her arms around me.

"Thank you, this helps a lot"

"Anytime" She said and unpaused the movie

There were some more jumpscares here and there but they were not significally scary. However when the movie was about to end there was a big unexpected jumpscare. I jumped and hid my face in Mads neck and she squished me

"It's okay, it's over" she said rubbing my back and kissing my head. I just sat there in silence, feeling comfortable in her embrace.

"You good ?" She asked me a couple moments later

"Perfect" I said and she nodded "By the way, you smell amazing" I told her

"Thank you" She said and chuckled

"I should get going now" I said when I saw that it was almost midnight.

"Not yettt" Madison said as I got up

"I am sorry, but we can definitely repeat this sometime" I told her as she got up as well

"Tommorow, my place, same time" She said

"Okay then it's settled" I said giggling

"Thank you so much for tonight it was truly incredible" I told her when I was ready to go

"You're welcome, I can't wait for tomorrow" She said

"Goodnight" I told her. Gosh she is so amazing

"Bye beatiful" She said and I got in my car and drove home, butterflies filling my stomach


As soon as Bella left I called my brother Ryder.

"Hey Mads why are you calling me at midnight" He asked

"Did I wake you ?" I asked him

"Of course not but still"

"Okay then listen to me. I just went on a date with Bella and oh my god Ryder I am obsessed with her. She is so cute and so kind and sweet and I swear I couldn't look at her without thinking about kissing her" I said

"Looks like you are quite the simp for that Bella girl" Ryder said chuckling

"Yes I am. Today we were watching a scary movie and she got scared and I was cuddling her and gosh she looked so adorable and I just wanted her to stay in my arms for the rest of time. And when she said she had to go, it took everything in me not to ask her to stay over."

"Woah Mads it's your first date slow down"

"I know and I don't want to rush her or scare her away but I want to be with her at all times"

"How about you text her" Ryder said

"What do I text her we were just together"

"Ask her if she got home safe and then start a convo from there"

"Oh my god Ryder you are genius thank you so much I love you"

"Hahahah goodnight mads love you" He said and hang up

I got home and got in my pjs. I sat on my bed thinking about tonight when I got a text from Madison
Mads 💞
Did you get home safe ?
                                                 Yes I just laid in bed :)
Mads 💞
That's good I'll let you sleep
                         I'd rather we talk if you're not tired
Mads 💞
Okay should we FaceTime ?
                                                                         Bella❤️ Sure !

"Hi !" I said when I picked up

"Hi long time no see" Madison said and we laughed

"yeah like 30 minutes" I said

"I still missed you tho" She said and I blushed, hiding my face in my hands

"Don't hide your pretty face" She said

"Then stop saying things like that that make me blush like crazy" I said and she laughed

"You look extra beautiful when you laugh" I told her

"My turn to blush now" She said

"So what are you doing tomorrow?" I asked her

"Umm I am going to think about you until you come over" She said

"That's it ?"

"That's it." She said and I giggled

"I really loved our date" She said

"Me too, even tho I hate scary movies, you made it so good " I said smiling at the thought

"I had the best time with you" She told me

"I so glad" I said and yawned

"You should go to bed, you look tired"

"Nooo I want to talk to you" I said

"We can talk tomorrow cutie, go get some sleep now" She told me

"Okay then goodnight Mads"

"Goodnight Bella" and with that we hang up and I got ready to sleep. I can't wait for tomorrow.

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