Side Story 7: Chabashira Sae Side Story

193 10 2

: Speech
- Thoughts
OAA Cards/Messages/Calls/Results

Kiyotaka meets with Chabashira on the cruise ship.

Kiyotaka: You called me here? What do you need Chabashira-Sensei?

Chabashira: Some told me to expel Ayanokoji Kiyotaka immediately.

Kiyotaka: That's a funny joke.

Chabashira: Of course, I couldn't allow that. You're my golden goose after all.

Kiyotaka: Well I thank you for protecting me Chabashira-Sensei.

Chabashira: That man was able to send a message directly to me without the school's knowledge.

Kiyotaka: That is quite something.

Chabashira: You really are something special Ayanokoji. I'm intrigued to know how you are this talented. However, I'm sure such talents didn't come without a cost so I think I'll refrain from prying.

Kiyotaka: I thank you for that as well.

Chabashira: I doubt that you will need to but feel free to pick my brain on any concerns you may have regarding School Administration.

Kiyotaka: Thank you Sensei.


Months Later In the Second Year

Kiyotaka: Sensei. Are you currently dating someone?

Chabashira: That's not exactly appropriate. Besides aren't you dating Horikita?

Kiyotaka: That's exactly why. I need some advice.

Chabashira: So that's what this is about. You had me worried there for a second. Well then go on.

Kiyotaka: Where would be the perfect date to take a girl?

Chabashira: Ayanokoji. Women all have their preferences regarding that. You should already know Horikita's so just use that to plan a good date.

Kiyotaka: Then a study date would be best.

Chabashira: No you fool. I mean take her somewhere she can relax and unwind. If you take her on a study date she won't think you seriously are taking her on a date.

Kiyotaka: I see. Perhaps a coffee shop then. I never have tried that one in Keyaki Mall.

Chabashira: That is a better choice.

Kiyotaka: Thank you for the help Chabashira-Sensei.

Chabashira: I just home romantic advice isn't the only thing you'll come to me for help.


Meeting With Tsukishiro

Tsukishiro: Perhaps now you are willing to withdraw from school President Ayanokoji?

Kiyotaka: I'm afraid that I'm still not ready to leave this school. I have many duties as the SCP you see.

Chabashira: Tsukishiro. What are you plotting? You interfered in the Uninhabited Island Exam. That alone is unforgivable.

Tsukishiro: Oh yes but weren't you the one who called him to your room to inform him on the exam?

Chabashira: I merely wanted to boost his chance of success.

Tsukishiro: I would agree with you if you still only thought of him a your golden goose but you seem to genuinely care for the boy now. But I must say that is concerning Chabashira-Sensei.

Chabashira: What? How is that concerning?

Tsukishiro: To call a Second Year Boy that you "care" about to your room. Such sinful act you may have committed.

Chabashira: That's...

Kiyotaka- Regardless of the reason the fact remains that Chabashira-Sensei called a male student to her room. It can be twisted by Tsukishiro to imply illicit relations.

Tsukishiro: If such rumours were to get out you would certainly be fired and President Ayanokoji removed from his position on the council so if you know what's good for you then keep your mouth shut.

Chabashira: I...

Chabashira- I'm so useless right now. I can't even protect my students.


Post Yagami Expulsion

Kiyotaka: Suzune is a mess right now.

Chabashira: You're worried. Just go sit with her and talk to her. If you're unable to do it then maybe a classmate or friend. Also about Yagami. Who is he and is he from the same place as you? Do I need to be concerned?

Kiyotaka: Not at all. Yagami and I are unrelated.

Chabashira: You better not be lying to my Ayanokoji.


Year 3

Chabashira: That girl Chiori. Your sister right?

Kiyotaka: She is estranged from me but yes. She is.

Chabashira: Treat her kindly okay? Perhaps she will give you a reason to feel like a normal person again.

Kiyotaka: Chiori huh. I suppose that is a possibility.

Chabashira: I don't have any siblings so don't have much advice for you but you should talk to someone you can trust that is experienced it.

Kiyotaka- I should call Manabu on this matter.


End Of Year 3

Chabashira: Well You're graduating Ayanokoji. I'm going to miss you my golden goose.

Kiyotaka bows to her.

Kiyotaka: To be honest Chabashira-Sensei. You've always done your best to protect me during my years at this school. The man I considered most fit to be my father has already passed away and I know nothing of the woman who gave birth to me. To me, you're the closest thing I've had to a mother.

Chabashira feels some tears in her eyes. She puts her hand on his shoulder smiling gently.

Chabashira: I'm glad you feel that way. I'm glad that I was able to give you a similar feeling to that.

Kiyotaka: Then Chabashira-Sensei. I'm heading off into the world now but this school will always be my home.

Chabashira: You're welcome to return to the gates any time you want. You can contact me and I'll come to meet you whenever.

Chabashira waves him goodbye as he leaves meeting with Suzune as they both head towards the gates.

Chabashira: Ayanokoji Kiyotaka. My golden goose. Things won't be the same at this school with you gone.


End Of Side Story 7


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