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"So you still think that I am not handsome BRO?", taehyung smugly asked as his body was quite pressed with jungkook and their faces few inches away from each other. They both were standing between the space of two houses which was not very much but both aggressively pushed themselves to go in there.

You might be think how in mukguksu world they got into this situation?? Well let us rewind the time and go back to the moment where all the drama has got started. Shall we??


"Will you stop pouting like a child for once??", jungkook asked getting irritated. After their conversation to till now taehyung was pouting and being dramatic for no reason. Well we are talking about taehyung. A full drama king. He just wanted to make jungkook guilty for what he said earlier and guess what? It was working.

"Why do you care?? I am not handsome so you shouldn't give a damn. Go to your plankton", taehyung huffed with a angry pout.

"Appearance never decide the worth of the person in someone life", with that jungkook walk away leaving taehyung who's heart got fluttered by jungkook simple yet meaniful words.

Why am I Feeling like this?, taehyung questioned himself but didn't got any answer.

"So did you really mean that??", Taehyung paced up and reach beside jungkook who going through the parking lot with hands stuffed inside his pocket.


"About what you said earlier?"

"Nah just that quote came into my mind so I said it as found the situation perfect for it.", jungkook replied causally .

"So you didn't mean it. It means I have no worth in your life", taehyung mumbled sadly while slowing down a little with a sad pout. They both slowly started to approach their car. Jungkook can feel the gloomy atmosphere around him. Jungkook really meant what he said earlier to taehyung but wasn't ready admit it as he was not good showing his emotion to anyone. He thinks that showing is emotional and vulnerable side will make the other person think he is weak. And let's us not blame him as the people around him and so called 'SOCIETY' just not only have standards for women but men too.

They got successful stuffing those nonsense inside jungkook head but still jungkook tries his best to be himself even though some people despise him.

Jungkook used to be very shy,emtional and crybaby. But the people around didn't like the way jungkook was as he was not acting like a MAN. At first jungkook ignored it but later it started to hover over him. So he changed himself and he is happy. Cause now nobody can take any advantage of him and lots of problem in his life got sorted.

As they approached their car, Jungkook mustered up the courage to break the ice. "Taehyungie, how about we go to the park? It's a beautiful day and let us get some fresh air. It will make us feel refresh ."

Taehyung didn't replied as they got settled into the car, Taehyung behind the wheel and Jungkook in the passenger seat.

Taehyung's response was nonchalant. "No, I don't feel like it."

Jungkook felt bad but he didn't gave up and stayed persisted. "But you know,they have your favorite strawberry ice cream there in their ice cream parlour!!"

Taehyung remained unmoved, his grip tightening on the steering wheel. Jungkook noticed the change of expression on taehyung face "Not interested."

Determined to slove the tension growing between them, Jungkook reached out and gently took Taehyung's forearm and pull it towards himself turning him to face him. His doe eyes were pleading for forgiveness, his lips forming a pout as he spoke softly, "I'm sorry, Taehyungie. Let's go to the park and enjoy our time together, please? I just said to tease you but I am sorry if I have offended you."

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