Eight red heads

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It was fair to say that Mrs. Weasley had more than a small headache 

Well, You would too..... If you had 5 kids ready to go to a magical school

not to mention that 3 of them are pranksters, one is just clueless and the eldest is a prat

It doesn't help that Ginny was whining about how she would be all alone now,

All in all, it was a horrendous day for Mrs. Weasley


Y/n was super excited 

She was finally going to hogwarts the school of her dreams 

She couldnt wait to be back with the twins and help them plan pranks and she couldnt wait to make friends with people other than her twin brother ron and ginny

she did feel kind of bad for leaving ginny alone 

But her excitement overpowered everything else 

So ofcourse she gave her mother a headache before leaving 

but she was not the only one 

fred and george wasnt exactly helping her headache by confusing her with their names 

So when father told us its time to leave it was a relief for about everybody in the house 

except the one who was supposed to sit with percy because bloody hell he was driving everyone mad by flashing his prefect badge


Y/n's P.O.V

at the station mum told us all to stay together so ofcourse me , gred and feorge had to sneak away to check out the station 

we came back to find her talking to a raven haired boy with startling green eyes 

"Oh, here you three are.. Where were you?" mum asked us 

we opened our mouth to lie , but mum just sighed and said

"nevermind, fred you should go first "

"Fred? I'm george" Fred said 

I stifled a giggle knowing that he was indeed Fred

"Honestly woman, you call yourself our mother " He continued

I was red in the face trying not to laugh 

"Oh sorry dear, I do get confused sometimes" mum apologises 

"I'm just kidding mum, I am fred" Fred grins and runs through the barrier

mum sighs and turns to look at my red face 

"Y/n are you alright ?" my mother asks worriedly 

I cleared my throat and nodded still trying to not burst into a fit of giggles and earn myself a scolding in front of the new boy

"I'll go next " I managed and ran towards the barrier bursting into a fit of giggles on the other side joined by the twins and my twin

we soon got on the train the twins walked away from ron and called me but i stayed with ron because i should stick with my twin.

"Your choice" they shrugged

i shrugged back and pulled ron towards an empty compartment 

I was looking out the window when the compartment door opened , i turned to find the cute spectacled boy from earlier 

i smile at him and invite him to sit with us , he smies gratefully and we talk until the trolley lady comes to our compartment 

me and ron check our pockets and sigh, expecting the empty pockets but still having our tiny hopes at finding a stray coin crushed

we both smile politely and refuse 

"I'll buy the lot " THE Harry potter says

he counts out his galleons and pays the woman while ron blatantly stares 

I nudge him and whispering "stop staring"

harry smiles at us and offers us the candy 

we refuse politely but harry insisted so we shared it 

rons was talking with his chocolate frog filled mouth and i was smacking his arm when the compartment door opened and a girl with bushy brown hair and slightly protruding teeth and a rather haughty manner asked us if we had seen the toad of a boy called neville

"No, we didn't sorry" I said 

"I'm y/n by the way" 

"Hermione" she said

"Ron Weasley"

"pleasure" she said in a way that suggested that it was anything but 

"and you are?" she asked 

"Harry Potter" harry said 

her eyes widened "The harry potter "

"I've read about you"

We talked for sometime before she said "I should be going now, You lot better change into your robes too, we are almost there "

with that she exited the compartment

and we went to change our robes 


The rest of the year was more chaos than y/n had hoped for but, well it made her more close to harry.... thats good. 

they fought a troll with wingardium leviOsa (not leviosaaa) and saved the philosophers stone from old voldy moldy and even though y/n had never been more frightened in her life she wouldn't have it any other way. 

Things were looking up for her and she felt an inexplainable pull towards the boy with the lightning scar, green eyes, and shy smile.

She has 3 best friends, a loving family , a wonderful school, a wonderful life and a pull towards trouble.

What more could she ask for?

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