Prologue 1 - Tyler

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It's dark.

There's a faint buzz in my ear; a bee trying to lay larvae in the eardrum. It seems close. It's a twitching buzz, almost. Feels like a rhythm. One and... two and three and... four and...


Could it be the grinding of a coffee machine? The beans holding still at the peak while below gets shredded to pieces. It makes your coffee, but how gruesome. Possibly, it could be the buzz from afar.

No, but this one seems fairly close, impeccably close.

Think harder.

Breathing? Impossible, it's harsher than a human breath. The melodic rhythm is most definitely mechanical. I can not bring my mind to it, however.

Open your eyes, Tyler.

I can't, because I have tried. A few minutes ago, I felt the darkness and struggled to open my eyelids. The more effort I put into opening my eyes, the more shut they became. It felt weird. Precisely a strange feeling.

Extreme cold surrounds the warmth in my body. I don't feel cold at all, but I can feel the cold. Where is it coming from? I do not know — I can't see.

I have not tried to move; it feels horrifically painful to even breathe. If moving my chest to consume air is as painful as it is, I don't want to know about moving my entire body. Yet, if I don't move then how will I be able to find a way out of this comatose state my body seems to be in.

Fuck it.

With a slight tug to my arm, I can feel the first layer of skin rip halfway off my flesh. I would scream, but my jaw would most definitely rip off in the process. I must move. I must see what kind of substance I am in. However, a thought occurs to me, what if I'm stuck? What if I am stuck in this agonizingly painful liquid for eternity, never to get out?

Courage inside me musters up, maybe even rage, and I tense every muscle of mine. Slowly, I move my elbows outward, ignoring the agonizing pain. I'm screaming, yet I can't hear my voice, only the buzz echoes throughout my ears.

In an instant, as if he had listened to my cries, a cracking can be heard. More cracking follows and my body instinctively prepares for something. What that something must be, I do not have a clue. However, I brace and I wait as the cracking of that something continues.

A calm before the storm. I would think that is what happened, because as if my ears had broken once more, I could hear myself.

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