chapter one

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"Hello," Joey announced, pushing the door open. Peter and Eris followed her inside and to the living room, where May Parker and Heidi Alameda were sitting on the couch.

"Oh, hey guys!" May greeted, barely able to speak through her laughter. "How was school?"

The three teenagers replied simultaneously with a series of murmurs. Fine, good, meh.

"Good, good," Heidi said. "If you guys are hungry, there's Chinese in the fridge. We ate a couple hours ago."

"Thanks, Mom." Joey smiled, before looking at Peter and Eris, who all silently agreed to grab the food and take it back to Joey's room to get some homework done.

Peter and Eris' aunt, May, and Joey's mom, Heidi, were a pair of unlikely best friends. The two had known each other for a few years now, and none of the kids could remember how the two of them had even met, but it felt to everyone as if the two families had known each other forever.

Joey set down the cold containers of takeout on the nightstand in her room, and the three of them took their usual places around the space: Peter took the beanbag in the corner, and Eris and Joey each took opposite ends of the bed.

Peter was quick to take out his laptop and get started on homework, but as Joey reached for her own computer, her phone started ringing.

Nora Cordova-Franco — FaceTime Video

"Joey!" Nora said when her call was accepted.

"Hey," Joey replied, smiling. "Eris and Peter are here." She turned the phone to Eris, who waved.

"Hiii," Eris said.

"What's up?" Joey asked, turning the camera back around.

"Emmett and I were just going to see if you wanted to go to Frostbite with us. But—"

"Frostbite sounds so good," Eris chimed in.

"I know!" Nora laughed. "But if you guys are busy, no worries."

"We're coming next time," Joey promised. "Eat some extra froyo for us."

"Aye-aye," Emmett said. "Don't have to tell me twice."

"Have fun, guys." Joey smiled. "Talk to you later."

"Bye!" Nora added as the call ended.

"We're stopping at Frostbite on the way here tomorrow," Joey declared.

"Yes!" Eris cheered. "Ugh, I'm so glad it's almost summer break."

Joey pulled a giant binder out of her backpack and opened it up. "Tell me about it. I can't wait to be done with school."

"There's a really good froyo place upstate," Peter piped up. Joey looked over. He always took every chance he could to bring up his summer internship.

"Oh, yeah! Avalanche!" Eris remembered. "Oh, that place is so good!"

Joey knew exactly what place they were talking about. Not that she could join in on the sentiment at all, though.

"How's that going?" Joey asked instead. "The internship."

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