Chpt 2 - Decisions

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All of a sudden, Mina was in her room from when she was five. "I didn't choose to be 5 years old..." she thought, a little confused. She looked around, admiring how cute her room was. It was a montage of pinks, yellows, and blues, all of which being pastel. It had many cute artifacts, like a unicorn jewel box and motivational posters decorating the walls with a casual style. Something was motivating her to go under the bed, or at least look.

So she looked. It was surprisingly clean, for a five year old's room. She saw drawings adorning the wood planks holding up the mattress. She looked at them all, seeing eerily creepy words and drawings to go with them. "What was up with me...?" Mina thought, tracing the badly drawn portraits of her family. Just as she was thinking about that, somebody walked in the door. "One sec!" Mina said, putting on the best act of her past self.

She crawled out from under the bed, popping her head out and seeing her mother. The mom looked at Mina lovingly, grabbing her hands and pulling Mina out from under the bed. "Dinner's ready, come wash up with your brother." She said warmly, smiling as 5 year old Mina got up.

"Shit, not him... What do I do??" Mina thought, not ready to face the same person who killed her in the future yet. She smiled and walked to the kitchen, stepping up the step stool and washing her hands. She then sat down at the table, thinking about how she wanted to live this life.

The next person was her dad, which from what she recalled didn't help around with anything and was a literal freeloader. Then came her brother, Allen. She didn't remember much about him from this time, so her plan was to be nice to him. Then came her mother, who sat down and started serving their food. (make up some random yummy food lol)

Her parents paid more attention to her, which she liked but was a little confused about. She was going to being nice to him, so she decided to bring him into the conversation. 

"How was your day, Awwen?" Mina asked cutely, pretending to be a normal 5 year old. Allen glared at her. "Since when do you care? Keep all the attention to yourself, I don't mind." He said sassily, mainly just to be bitchy.

"Bro I was asking how your day was what the fuck...?" Mina thought, smiling even though it was painfully obvious that she was annoyed. She was trying to be nice, but this made her question her decision. 

"I-I was just asking..." She said sadly, acting again. Now she was going to make his life a living hell, and put on the "sweet girl" act in front of everyone else. Totally original plan, I know. But, It will work; that's all we need.

The parents glared at Allen, their faces screaming "You bitch!" She almost giggled, but kept herself together. She couldn't blow her cover. "Now time to plan." She thought.

"Can I go to bed now, momma?" She said, picking up her empty plate. The mother immediately agreed, smiling sweetly at Mina. Mina quickly smiled back, getting up and pushing her chair. She washed her hands and went to her room to "get ready for bed."

She grabbed an empty notebook from under her bed, immediately writing down taking homework and chores (gotta seem like he pushed them onto her,) then writing down taking toys waiting till he whined about it and then putting them back and gaslighting him into thinking he's dumb. That was it for now, because you can't do much as a 5 year old.

"What else oh my gosh..." she thought, growing impatient with her own brain. "Oh yeah, who else other than google to learn how to manipulate?" she thought, grabbing her tablet. (what child has a phone or computer she shouldn't even have a tablet- ;3 for the plot!)

(30 minutes later) 

"That didn't help at all. What the fuck google..." she thought angrily. "Y'know what? I'm just going to be a bitch back." She wasn't going to let him kill her this time around.

She quickly brushed her teeth and put her hair into curlers, going back into her room to go to sleep. The whole time she was still thinking about ways to make him miserable. Eventually she changed into her pink and yellow pajamas, tucking herself into bed and slowly falling asleep. 

"Good luck Allen..." She thought as she lost conscience and falling into her deep sleep before the lifetime of torture-giving.


bruh i spent 4 days on thisss (not including in between updates bc i thought i was updating every 2 days) im so sryy lmao. i dont really have a reason to bc i had written the script for the chapter i js didnt feel like writing. and this computer keeps freaking doubling the t's whenever i type them T-T  - not me listening to the most awful music like bitch frickin CPR?? 843 words.

go drink water hoes. <3

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