"My name is Taeyong but you can call me Bubu",those words caught both Sungchan and Wonbin's attention as they froze,they didn't expect it to happen this fast.

"I can call you Bubu?",Sunjeong asked again followed by a nod from Taeyong.Butterflies flies in his stomach as he felt like he was accepted into the family while Wonbin,he was trying to hold his tears seeing his son was getting approval from Taeyong.

"Thank you Bubu!",Sungchan who was too excited ran and hugged Taeyong tight,"Thank you Bubu,i love you so much!",he gave a peck on Taeyong's cheek and rest his head on Taeyong's shoulder.

"Sungchan,not yet",Taeyong tried to release the hug but Sungchan ignoed his attempts,"what?",he asked although still hugging Taeyong in excitement.

"Uhummm",Sungchan's face changed as he heard the voice and when he turned his head to the entrance,he saw Jaehyun was standing there causing Sungchan hurriedly release the hug as he bowed to Jaehyun,followed by Wonbin and Sunjeong.

"My office,now",Jaehyun said before he walked away followed by Mark.

- -

"What do you mean you will take care of him?He's my son!",

Jung Sungchan!",Jaehyun yelled to his son with anger  was obvious in his tone.

After they arrived to the house,Sungchan was told to go to Jaehyun's office followed by Taeyong,Jeno and Mark.Sungchan have explained the whole situation to them and obviously they all not amused with it especially Mark.

"Sungchan,i've known you for a long time.If you tell me now that he's your secret child,i will trust you.I know you are afraid of getting caught by Wonbin aren't you?",Mark attacked Sungchan with his words making Sungchan knocked the table with his fist,"he's not my secret child! You always looked at me like i'm the most evil person on earth!",he yelled to Mark before Jeno ran to him to calm him down.

"Enough both of you!",Jaehyun shouted causing both of them turned silent. Both of them sat on the couch near them while Taeyong eyed all his sons,massaging his temple.

Meanwhile Sunjeong and Wonbin was at the living room with Sunjeong lying his head on Wonbin's lap while Wonbin played with his hair.


"Hmm",Wonbin replied while softly patted his head,"will Papa be okay?",he asked.Wonbin kinda expected those questions will be asked by Sunjeong especially when he saw Jaehyun.He knows Sunjeong is scared and tried to hide his feelings,probably to not make Wonbin and Sungchan worried of him.And Wonbin has to do that too.

"Papa is okay,papa just have a small reunion with his family",Wonbin explained to Sunjeong causing the boy to nod as he moved his body and sat beside Wonbin.

"Appa if anything happens,can you please don't leave me?",Sunjeong's question trickled Wonbin's tear as he scanned the boy's face,totally understands the face of fear of being thrown away as he experienced that once when he's a child.

He hurriedly pulled Sunjeong into a hug as softly patted the boy's back,"Papa and Appa will never leave you okay son?",he reassured while wiping his tears,doesn't want his son to see him cry.

"I love you Appa",

"I love you too son".

- -

Sohee looked around as he hid back behind the alley.Although he's wearing a hoodie and a mask to cover his face,he's still worried if someone might recognize him.But then,his stomach growled calling for food.

"Ughh scrap that!",he hurriedly ran to the convenience store decided to eat ramen.He have been sneaking at night since the day Wonbin was called to work from home.Due to that,his world tour was postponed and although he supposed to feel sad,he wasn't.

He felt glad that he get to spend more time for himself as he have being working and practicing nonstop.Not to mention that he has to restrict some foods and control his weight.Although he still need to practice,he's glad that he get to walk around at night without people knowing and disturbs him.

He already paid for his ramen and walked to the place to cook for his ramen.When he done,he decided to take a seat far from people cause he doesn't want people to see him but unfortunately,the night is not too good for him.

He accidentally bumped to a drunk man who was planning to buy some beer in the store, causing his ramen to drop all over the floor and some stains on the man's shirt.

"I'm so sorry sir",he apologized before the man pulled him,"what the hell?!do you want to mess with me?!",he shouted as Sohee's body started shaking ,he was totally afraid as he avoided eye contact with the man.

"Wearing those mask,what do you want to hide? Sicko!",obviously the man is drunk so Sohee tried to release himself from the grip before the man throw him to the floor,causing him to fall on top of his beloved ramen.

Sohee was panicked,he wanted to call Wonbin but he is afraid that Wonbin or maybe others like his manager will scold him.What will happen to his career?

"Hey i'm talking to you right now!Lemme pull that mask—",

The man interrupted when his hand was held before he was pushed to the back.Sohee was caught off-guard when the man approached him and help him stood before pulled his hand and ran out from the store.

They ran for a while before they stopped near the alley,gasped for breaths.The man then turned to Sohee,"you okay?",he asked.Sohee who was still gasping for breaths showed an 'ok' sign,he really wanted to take off his mask as he was sweating like crazy, but he still unsure if the person infront of him is a good person.

"You smell like ramen",the man said before he giggled,causing Sohee felt annoyed especially when he felt uncomfortable with his body."haha funny",he responded before he walked away,wanting to go back home.He heard the man called him many times but Sohee ignored him,causing the man suddenly pulled Sohee's arm until Sohee's body turned facing him.

"You're leaving already?",he asked but when Sohee turned his body again,the man hurriedly moved and stood infront of Sohee,blocking his way.

"What do you want?",Sohee asked as he crossed his arms against his chest.He really wants to go home as he felt the stickiness on his body,or maybe he was annoyed of looking messy infront of a good-looking man.

"I'm Seunghan,how about you?",Seunghan give a hand  but Sohee then pushed his hand,"i believe you actually wants me to thank you..so okay..thank you for helping me.I would like to excuse myself",Sohee explained himself before he walked away leaving Seunghan.

Seunghan was confused with Sohee's sudden cold demeanour.He eyed Sohee when he saw a small bag dropped on the ground,probably Sohee's."Hey you!",he called Sohee many times but Sohee just ran away from there.

"That kid",Seunghan rolled his eyes before he took the bag and check on the inside as he saw a wallet and a phone.When he took out the mobile phone,it shows a photo of his favourite idol, "Lee Sohee" as the wallpaper.

"Wow he's also a fan of Sohee,looks like i'm not the only Sohee's fanboy",Seunghan started to feel jealous on getting the information before he smirked,"i guess he will need his bag back",he said to himself before he kept the phone in the bag and brought the small bag back to his home,wishing the other guy to call him again.

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⏰ Last updated: May 09 ⏰

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