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Sungchan barged into their house and throw the flowers to the floor while Wonbin following him from the back.

"Babe, i'm so—", he tried to grab Sungchan's hand to stop him but Sungchan pushed his hands away before he turned his body facing Wonbin.

"I waited for three hours as we promise to celebrate our anniversary and yet you didn't show up! Guess it's not important for you anymore!",Sungchan took some breaths as he trying to control his anger. Eventhough he's mad, the guy infront of him is precious for Sungchan.

Wonbin nodded,regret obviously plastered in his face.He took both Sungchan's hands,"i..i'm so sorry.My boss called me for a meeting and if the project ends well,we can move to Paris likes what we wants so i—"

"Forget it Wonbin",Sungchan cut him off as he removed his hands from Wonbin's grip.He walked to the kitchen and take a glass of water while Wonbin looked at him with his confused face.

"What do you mean by that?",He asked while approaching Sungchan. Sungchan put down the glass and looked at him,"i don't think this is working.Let just end it",Sungchan said while avoiding eye contact with Wonbin.

Wonbin's face changed as soon as he heard that."What the hell are you talking about?!",his eyes widened while demanding an explanation.

Sungchan shooked his head and wanting to walk away when Wonbin blocked him with his body," are you serious Sungchan?! After all these years we're together you want to end it everything? What? Do you have someone else?!", Sungchan raised his arm but he control his urge on slapping Wonbin. Instead, he turned his fingers into a fist before punching the wall beside him multiple times and shouting, while Wonbin moved further from him. He lowered his body and closed his ears,frightened by Sungchan's sudden outbursts.

After a while, Wonbin noticed that the atmosphere suddenly become quiet so he slowly lift his body and stood when he saw Sungchan was kneeling on the floor, blood dripping from his fist.

Wonbin felt hurt seeing Sungchan in that condition as he walked to him when Sungchan suddenly raise his arm and stopping Wonbin," Don't come to me",he said while wiping his tears.

He took a deep breath then stood slowly as he felt tired of everything that happened. Wonbin froze, he didn't know what he should do except for staring at Sungchan who walked out from the house.

Wonbin felt weak on his legs as he kneeled down on the floor, couldn't believe what just happened to him.

"It's not real, isn't it? It's just a dream?", the words kept on repeating like a mantra in his head although he knows that he's lying to himself.

                                      - -

Wonbin: we broke up

Shotaro: what?! Are you kidding me?!

Wonbin decided to call Shotaro, his close friend that he can only trust as he didn't know who he can talk to, he just too comfortable on having Sungchan for everything. And when Sungchan left, he already felt like its the end of the world.

Wonbin: I messed up. I think i deserve it. Sungchan deserve someone better than me

Tears trickled on the corner of Wonbin's eyes. His heart ached on the fact that he will lose Sungchan forever.

Shotaro: I think both of you need time to talk.

Wonbin: We don't have. In fact, he left the house and i didn't know where he is. I can't do this Taro hyung, i can't lose him but at the same time, i hurt him

Shotaro: Wonbin calm down. I think you need some rest because you just came back from work. Get some rest and we will talk about this tomorrow, i will go to your house okay?

Wonbin sniffed while wiped his tears,

Wonbin: Thank you Taro hyung

Shotaro: It's okay. Take care binnie

*call ended*

Wonbin put down his phone and lied his back on the wall, at the same time staring at the door lowkey hoping that Sungchan will appeared,

"I'm sorry",

- -

Wonbin woke up when he heard noises coming from downstairs. He hurriedly ran out from his room as he was expecting Sungchan and there he was, he saw Sungchan was at the living room taking something from his bag as he turned his head to look at Wonbin before shifted back to his bag,

"I'm just taking my things, you don't need to worry",he was caught off-guard when Wonbin wrapped his arms around Sungchan's waist, backhugging him.

"Sungchan, please don't go", Sungchan felt the warm tears dripping to his skin but his ego wins him more as he turned his body facing Wonbin, releasing himself from the smaller's grip.

"I will pick up some of my things next we—"

"Sungchan, please—"

"Can you please stop?!",Sungchan yelled as he felt frustrated of Wonbin cutting him off.Or maybe he was fighting with himself especially seeing Wonbin startled from the sudden shout,then pouted with tears dropping from the corner of his eyes.

"I'm sorry", Wonbin grab the hem of Sungchan's shirt and that hurts him more.Usually Sungchan will hugged him back,giving the warm comfort that he needed but now, Sungchan slowly let go of his shirt then hold both Wonbin's hands,

"Binnie, maybe this is the best for us",Sungchan avoided eye contact cause he knows that he will be defeated by the cute boy infront of him especially with his soft eyes trying to get his sympathy.

Sungchan removed Wonbin's hands,avoiding Wonbin's calling him when he walked to the door but when he opened the door,he froze. Wonbin who was running towards Sungchan almost stumbled before he held Sungchan's body to stabilize himself then turned to the door, seeing a small figure standing infront of both of them.

The cute little boy looked up to both of them,
"Appa!Papa!",he greeted loudly with a wide smile. Both Sungchan and Wonbin turned to each other,confusion was obvious at their face as they turned back to the boy who was holding a teddybear, eyeing him with a large suitcase behind the boy who was still grinning at them.

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