author's note - i'm back!

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hi guys!! it's been a while, but i'm back!

how are y'all? hope there's still some people who remember this story, if you're one of them i want to tell you that i love you soso much <3

i started this fanfic in 2020 can y'all believe that? it's 2024 now, and it's still not done 😭😭

yet we are almost at 40k reads!! i really can't believe that, it is the last thing i could've ever expected. i love y'all so much and i want to say thank you for your votes and comments and just for reading, it means a lot!

i don't want to make this too long, so i'll just get to the point.

the malfoy manor is making a comeback 😏

i left this story with all the previous chapters finally fully edited, and now there's only 3 of them i have to rewrite, i know they don't make sense at all with the rest of the story and i apologize for leaving you wondering what happened like that for so long lol. after that, i only have a few brand new chapters i have to write and then the story is finally completed! i kinda remember the plot i wanted to have for this story so i'm really glad about that and i hope y'all love this story still and hope you like the next part! i don't remember where i left off so i'll go read the last published chapter now and i'll keep writing.

hopefully i can finish this story soon and finally call it my first finished fanfic ever! crying. i've written a lot and never finished any, but if i finish this one then i'll know it's just a matter of time for the others! even if it takes me 10 years. and idk, maybe i'll publish one of the other ones, but i won't make any promises.

and also hopefully you like the new chapters better since i'd like to think i'm more experienced at writing now than i was when i first started this story.

anyway, if you're still here, i love you, thank you for everything, hope you enjoy, and don't forget to drink water!

see you soon! mwah 💋

the malfoy manor | draco malfoy x readerDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora