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You smile as you run and hug your friends who noticed you looked much better than you did when they last saw you. You slowly started taking care of yourself again, you gained back the weight you lost along with thoroughly bathing, sleeping longer than 30 minutes a night, not crying from morning to night, and your eyes looked more lively than they had since David passed and while the grief wasn't crippling you still take a moment throughout the day to say I love you and get through the rest of the day and it felt like you had burst out from underwater and took a huge breath before letting it out in relief instead of swallowing water feeling the pain and burning, you decided to go and hang out with your friends for the night which surprises your mom and sister but thrilled them that you were slowly trying to live and have a life again even while you were still grieving. You get out and see the bonfire everyone has built as you walk to the spot in the woods next to the lake, you see everyone with alcohol, food, weed, and sodas hugging everyone before sitting down in a pull out chair next to an empty spot on a log enjoying a bite of pizza when you feel a tap on your arm smiling before sharing a quick hug with Adam next to you as each of you share joints, some of them have drinks but you stick with the joint as the night is filled with jokes, laughs, friendship, and fun that night around the bonfire in between drinking, eating, and smoking having a great time and feeling the most peace in your life in a long while. Adam looks around noticing you weren't around until he sees you walking on the nearby trail grabbing a freshly rolled joint and catching up with you "Hey you okay?" you nod as the two of you walk side by side sharing the joint "Who did you lose that changed your life?" he sighs as you asked the question that had been on your mind for the last while "One of my true and greatest friends...She was a wonderful person, she got in a bad car accident and went into a coma which she never came out of" you see the emotions on his face and without a thought you hug him tightly as he quietly cries in your shoulder until he felt okay, he suddenly feels a warm flowing feeling that made his breathing stop before picking up, his heart races, and he feels a calm dizziness wash over him. The two of you walk back and burst out laughing when you see Christian carrying a drunk Matt in his arms as you all leave deciding to go to adam's instead of heading home. After texting your mom letting her know you were okay and with a friend, you both listen to music and finish off the joint until you fell asleep on the couch while he was asleep on the floor next to you, he wakes up smiling when he sees you peacefully asleep gently moving a strand of hair out of his face before getting up and having a drink before the feeling from earlier came back full force leading him to spit his drink in the kitchen sink in pure horror before looking at you then holding his face in his hands groaning when he realizes he's already head over heels for you "Fuck..god no fuck" he makes and drinks an alka seltzer water before laying back down on the floor and falling back asleep not knowing what he would do about the feelings that have bloomed for you.

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