Can't you be ordinary

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"So now that you know my name, can you leave?" she said, trying to brush off the conversation.  

I was taken aback. But I couldn't resist asking for her help with my paper, knowing she was my only hope. I persisted, "Well yeah but, I wanted to see if you can help me on this paper. Since you're the only person I know in Riverdale." 

She hesitated for a moment before inviting me over. "Well, you can come over to my house later, around five I guess." 

I agreed, the thought of going over to her place made my heart race with excitement.  "Around your house, sounds fun, I'll be there," I said with a smile walking away.  As I walked away, I couldn't contain my smile and yelled, "See you soon!"

Something about that Mallory intrigued me, come on Topaz Don't let your dumb feelings get in the way.

Mallory's Pov

"Mom, I'm home!" I yelled excitedly as I walked into the house, shutting the door behind me.

"Oh, hi, Mally! Who dropped you off?" Cheryl said with a warm smile.

"It was Carmen," I replied, while taking off my heels at the front door. Silently, I muttered, "My feet hurt like hell," knowing my mother wouldn't hear me.

"Ooh, you and Carmen have been spending a lot of time together," my mom observed, leaning on the doorway.

"Mom, stop," I said, feeling a bit flustered. "She doesn't even know I like girls. And yeah, Carmen and I are just friends," I explained.

"Well, me and your father are heading out for dinner, around four," She told me.

"Yeah, I remember," I replied.

"Do you want to help me choose a dress?" she asked.

"Yeah, I'd love to help with that dress you and dad are going to fuck in," I said.

"Watch your language, Mal!"

"My apologies, mom. Let's go find that dress." I said walking up the stairs.

Tiny's Pov

"Mom!" I called from my room, and my mom hurried in, wanting to know what was going on.

"Anthony just threw fucking water on me while I was taking a nap," I explained as I got up from my bed, feeling all wet and sticky.

"Anthony Everett Topaz! Get in here Now!" my mom scolded, calling out his full name.

He shuffled into the room, his head hung low as my mom stared sternly at him. "You little shithead," I teased.

"Antonia!" my mom interrupted, turning her gaze towards me. "Sorry, mom," I quickly replied.

"Why would you throw water on her?" Mom questioned him.

"Because she wouldn't tell me who she was texting," he responded with frustration.

"That's not a reason, go to your room," Mom said firmly. He walked away huffing and puffing, clearly upset but who cares.

"Gosh, now I have to let all of this dry," I said, feeling annoyed.

"So, who were you texting?" My mom asked me, directing her attention towards me.

"Huh," I said, pretending not to hear her, hoping to avoid the conversation.

"The texts, Tiny," she clarified, wanting to know the truth.

"Oh, I was going to ask if I can go study at the library. Some kids in our class were meeting up and they invited me to show me how to do this paper. Can I go?" I explained, seeking permission for my plans.

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