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I gulped, suddenly nervous.

Sebastian held my hand. "It's OK, I'm sure Dan explained to you why you need rules? And we aren't going to make you do anything you don't want."

I nodded, taking a deep breath as the paper was moved closer to me.

(Bold = writing)

Lucas's Rules

1) You must eat 3 meals a day and 2-3 formulas until you are a healthier weight

2) You must be respectful to others and yourself (no unkind words, fighting, or ignoring)

3) You must listen to your daddies when they give you instructions, your daddies want what's best for you, and if you disagree, you must use your big boy words and talk to us

I blushed when I read the word daddies. I hadn't called anyone 'daddy' since I was around five, but the thought filled me with warmth.

4) No swearing. There are always better words to express yourself with.

5) Let someone know if you start slipping into headspace and don't fight it.

6) Bed time when little is 9 on weekdays and 10 on weekends (when you're big, there is no assigned bedtime, but you should listen to your body and rest when you need to)

7) If one of us isn't around, we'll leave someone to watch you. You must listen to them and still follow your rules.

Rewards for good behaviour

Later bedtime
Fun days out

(To be discussed and consented to)

Time out
Writing lined
Revoking privileges
Earlier bedtime

Any punishment will be followed with aftercare

All of the rules had been set out very clearly and seemed reasonable.

"Everything look alright?" Caleb asked, and I nodded whilst I reread it.

"What about the punishments?" Alexander asked.

I looked at the last part of the list nervously.

"What would spanking actually mean?" Of course, I knew what it meant in general, but it could be taken to so many extremes.

"It would be firm swats to your bum. Normally, with a hand, but if you were really naughty, we might use something a bit harder. We'd probably make you count them. It would hurt but not too much or for too long, and we'd always make sure you were okay afterwards." Alexander explained

"You don't have to if it makes you uncomfortable, and you can always change your mind later on." Sebastian continued."Is that something you'd be okay with?"

I thought about it for a minute. It didn't sound too bad, and if icouldchange my mind later on, it shouldn't be an issue.

"Yeah." I replied confidently.

"Alright then, well put the rules on the fridge so you can always look at them if you need to." Caleb picked up the sheet and walked to the fridge.

Their Marked Baby BoyWhere stories live. Discover now