Chapter 3

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"Here you go, Shin," smiled Nancy as she handed him a thick file organizer.

Shin thanked her and put the organizer together with all the others they were going through. Since the president was still not back from his business trip, Nancy was taking care of showing him everything around the office. She was taking her time, making sure that he did not feel rushed or stressed. Shin was very grateful for that.

As it turned out, president's office was in a room that was separated from the open space area by a wide glass door. It was huge, at least Shin thought so, compared to what he has seen on different floors. There was a modern desk facing the door and another one on the side for the secretary. There were also several chests of drawers for organizing documents and storing necessities. Nancy did not show Shin what exactly was inside, and he did not ask. He did not want to come across as nosy in case president's private items were stored there.

What perplexed Shin was that while there were two chairs in the office, they were not what he would have expected for a head of such a huge company. Sure, one was at his new desk, your normal everyday office chair. But the other one was a far less comfortable one. And it was facing the window too. Sure, the president might have loved the view, but Shin could not help having a weird feeling about it. He could not picture a person earning more than anyone else in the country using a chair not much different from the one in Shin's room back home.

Shin shook his head slightly to get rid of such thoughts. Who was he to judge? Rich people were often excentric in some areas, it was none of his business. He should rather concentrate on getting the hang of the job and preparing his new desk for the upcoming week.

Shin truly was happy that the president had been on a business trip this last week and he could take his time getting used to being a working member of society. After all, this was his first job experience; because of everything that had happened back then, he did not even get to do any internships during his university years. He was missing experience.

Luckily, his coworkers did not seem to mind. The opposite really. They always gave him advise and explained things when he asked, even helped him without any prompting whenever they saw him struggling. Shin felt very welcomed and slowly but surely, he was also getting less anxious. With some luck, the president would be the same as the rest of the staff.

His coworkers only had words of the highest praise whenever the president was mentioned. In their eyes, he was the best employer ever – sensible, knowledgeable and easy to get along with. This, Shin understood already on his first day in the company. Everyone, from people working with the president the closest to the last cleaning lady in the company, only had good things to say.

Today marked the first day of his second week here, as well as the day when he would finally meet the president in person. He was both excited and scared.

"Nancy, Shin, this is the last box," called Fang from the door. His hands were full of the said box and he was trying to open the door with his foot. Shin quickly put the organizer he was holding back onto the table and hurried to take the box and free his coworker's hands. He got a cheerful smile as thanks.

At first, Shin had wondered how they would manage to move everything, and generally, how such tasks were handled in a big company like this. Fang had said that there was not much to move and that he would do it himself, no need to disturb staff from the infrastructure department. It surprised Shin greatly – although it probably should not –, there was even a whole department responsible only for moving things from one office to another.

"Thank you, Fang," called Nancy after the already leaving colleague. Fang only turned his head to give her another smile and waved his hand in a gesture that universally meant that it was nothing. Shin bowed his head in thanks and hurried to put the heavy box onto the table.

Nancy and Shin were organizing files after they have been moved from the table of the last secretary, an elderly lady who was now retired. There had been several temporary replacements since, but Shin was the first person hired for a full-time position. He still had a hard time believing that it has been him who had been chosen and not someone more qualified and with more experience. After all, he thought, the president would most probably not have time to be teaching a complete newbie.

Nancy must have seen that his thoughts were steering in a different direction than the files: "Shin, it will be alright, I promise. Mister president is really nice, and patient. Moreover, my desk is just outside of the door, you can come to me immediately if there is anything you will not know or be unsure about. Mister president will explain the rest of your duties too."

Shin smiled at her with gratitude: "Thank you, Nancy, it means a lot. Sorry, I am just a little nervous."

Although Shin had not told Nancy nearly anything about himself, she must have guessed how anxious he has been. She seemed to have a particular talent in observing people around her and reading the room. Once again, for at least a hundredth time, Shin was wondering internally, why it was not her who was taking over the position of the president's secretary.

He was sure she would be better suited in all aspects. But for some reason unknown to him, it has been he who had been chosen. By the president himself apparently. Who was he to question such good fortune? He could only show his gratitude by rising to the challenge and doing his best as the new secretary. With his anxiety subsiding and a great deal of determination, he once again concentrated to the task at hand.

"And what about this one?" Shin asked when Nancy handed him another file organizer.

The title was New president – accommodations. It was noticeably thinner than all the other organizers, newer too. That was not whatcaught Shin's attention the most, the organizer had a different colour than all the rest and the title was not a sticker with printed letters, but rather a handwritten name, three times underlined.

Nancy turned to him and looked at the organizer he was holding. Before she could however explain anything, there was a sound of the elevator door opening and coworkers in the open space of the floor started greeting loudly: "Good morning, mister president."

Nancy took her eyes off of the organizer and turned around to also welcome the president. Shin followed her example. As soon as he saw who was entering the room, his breath got caught in his throat and his heart stopped beating. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 08 ⏰

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