big fight before heat

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After that day taehyung notice something , his mates were acting strange.

One night, Taehyung's werewolf instincts were on edge as his heat approached. But instead of feeling comfort from his mates, he felt overwhelmed by their constant attention.

Taehyung always valued his privacy with his friends  , finding strength in their unity.

But as his heat grew stronger, his mates possesiveness grew more , he can't even spend time with his friends because of there possesive behaviour , he felt suffocated by their protective instincts.

One evening, tensions reached a breaking point between Taehyung and Jin . Taehyung snapped . feeling like he couldn't breathe with everyone watching him.

Jin tried to reason with Taehyung, but Taehyung's anger flared out of control. He attacked Jin, and chaos erupted as the other  members tried to stop them.

In the heat of the moment, Taehyung fled, overwhelmed by anger and  heat pain . He couldn't face his mates after there possesive behaviour .

After taehyung calm down he felt guilty because he knew why they are possesive this day , so he thought after his heat he will return to them so he went his home.

In his home his mother and father was helping him to make the pain less painful after all  his wolf want to be with there mates.

(finding mate make heat always worsen )

But taehyung was not alone who was having trouble controlling his wolf ,  his mates having worse trouble and jin  was having Hard time to control his wolf .

Namjoon: "Listen to me, brothers! We can't give in to our instincts like this. We're stronger than that."

Jimin: "You don't understand, namjoon. The urge is overwhelming. We can't fight it."

Namjoon: "We have to try! Think about the consequences. We could hurt him , or worse he get pregnant ."

Jin :" so what he gets pregnant, he have us "

Yoongi:" oh really jin his only 19(I changed the age because his a college student after all👀) we can't do that it's illegal "

Jin:" I am sorry it's hard for me to control my wolf "

J -hope :" I know it's hard but we have to do this, we don't want our mate to be angry on us "

Jin: "I can't control it. The heat is consuming me."

Jin tried to run but he was Stop by j_hope, yoongi and namjoon but jin wolf was  not having it at all he tried to fight with them but namjoon being true blood he managed to put chain on jin .

Namjoon: "You're not alone in this. We'll get through it together. We're a pack, remember?"

Jin: "But the scent, namjoon... It's driving me insane."

Namjoon: "Focus on my voice. We've faced challenges before, and we've always come out stronger. We can't let this primal urge dictate our actions."

Jin: "I'll try, namjoon. But it's so hard..."

Yoongi: "I know, brother. But we'll get through this. Trust me."

They all  do a group hug with chained jin .

(Most of  you gonna be confused why yoongi, j hope, rm is so strong it's because they have many situations when they have to control there wolf, and even though it's hard for them to control there wolf to but they have  managed control it .

And were is jungkook? Hmm he also feel weak so  he is trying to sleep it off )

After 5 days....

Taehyung heat have been done and  now every one managed to control there wolf also  jin was unchained from wall and like a normal days jin was cooking happily and they had breakfast , they also planned to buy gifts for taehyung as a sorry for there behaviour.......but one thing they didn't noticed..... one of them is still hasn't managed to control his wolf......(👀)

???:" I am fine, now I can control my wolf "  .

Namjoon :" are you sure ?? you were so weak in this five days and you were sleeping all the time , you even didn't eat food"  .

???:" ofcourse I am ,  listen I am going for a walk okay ".

Namjoon:" okay then bye and be careful".

After he get out of home  his eyes changed again it shows his wolf is still in control.

???:" taehyung baby you shouldn't have run away because now what's comming for you is more worse than your heat ...
. Guess who is still in his wolf control and comment down below okay ....bye cutie 🥰 🥰

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