Cant Sleep

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Will sat on the couch in the lounge room dozing off at nothing as his hands shook hearing the screams

Let me out let me out

Will was so shaken up he dident notice Jake walking into the lounge

Let me out let me out the voice screamed

"No no this can't be happening" Will said seeing the former governor standing at the other side of the room

You did this to yourself Will you did this you buried me you buried me there you left and went back to your job and now your paranoid the voice taunted

"No no get the fuck away from me" Will yelled as the figure moved towards him

What you going to do your scared I can see it in your eyes I can see the fear in your eyes admit it the former governor said smirking

"No fuck you fuck you get the fuck out of here " Will screamed

"Will snap out of it" Jake said and put his hand on his shoulder as Will jumped

"What the fuck Jake" Will said as he looked back at the wall to see nothing

"Will you need some sleep man you should leave early i will cover your shift ok" Jake said putting his hand back on Wills shoulder

"Uh you sure" Will said standing up rubbing his eyes "I'm fine"

"No your not now get out of here before Vera sees you she's not in a good mood today" Jake said as Will nodded "thanks"

"No problem" Jake said sighing as he watched Will leave

"Mr Stuart we're Mr Jackson" Vera said walking into the lounge room

"He uh he wasn't feeling well and he went home early im taking over his shifts" Jake said

"Of course another one of my guards is out just great" Vera said and stormed out

Jake was making his rounds when he herd something in the warehouse and walked in to see Will standing in the middle of the warehouse as all the boxes the girls have made were broken smashed or thrown around as well as the crate and storage stuff

"Will what the fuck" Jake said walking up to Will who was zoned out holding a hammer in his hand and took it away

"Will what are you doing I told you to go home what the fucks happening with you man" Jake said as Will turned to look at him tears in his eyes

"Because you don't know what the fuck I did" Will said

"What the fuck did you do to make you act like this you just need sleep man go home get some rest your to stressed out" Jake said as Will shook his head

"No no I don't need sleep I just want the screaming and the taunting to stop" Will said looking around

"Will maybe you should see a doctor get some sleeping medicine" Jake said as Will cut him off

"I don't need fucking sleep medicine I already did and it doesn't work" Will said shaking his head again

"Will it's fine just uh Vera gonna lose her shit when she sees this what's the matter you selling drugs or something cause that's fine man you won't get caught Vera been on my case about that lately" Jake said

Jake X Will Oneshots Wentworth Where stories live. Discover now