important invitation

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It's been two weeks since I started working with the girls at Arsenal and I spend nearly every night with Alessia. I don't see Charlotte as much anymore, but we are still keeping each other in the loop. The April roster for the upcoming England camp was just announced and a few arsenal players were selected to go, Alessia being one of them. That means I won't be able to see her for the last weeks of my study abroad trip. I was very proud of her when she got the email from Sarina and we have spent every day that we can together and we are making the most of it. Alessia is most excited to see Ella, she hasn't stopped talking about her since they were both named to the roster, but she did say she's going to miss my meals and our nights spent together.

"I don't want to leave you, but I do miss sunny North Carolina," I say while holding Alessia in bed

"I'm going to visit you in NC after the Euro Qualifiers are done and maybe go take a visit to Chapel Hill." she replies

"You're going to do great things in the Euros, I can feel it." I say

"Oh yeah, what great things would those be?" she questions

"I'm not sure but you've got some pretty talented playmakers behind you who will make things happen on your end." I reply

"I just really wish you could be there with me to experience it all from a behind the scenes standpoint," she says, sighing into my chest.

"Me too, but we both know we can't make that happen." I say, I start to play with her hair.

"Mmm, you're going to make me sleepy." she says, starting to doze off.

"Rest up, you need it love." I replied. She falls asleep and I get settled in and I fall asleep holding her.

We wake up shortly before 9, both of our stomachs rumbling, I get up and Alessia tells me to get back in bed.

"No, you're hungry and I need to feed you before the hangry version of you sets in." I say softly, chuckling.

"Fine," Alessia sits in bed, pouting at me because I got up to go make her food. She got out of bed and followed me to the kitchen and wrapped her arms around my waist and laid her head on my back. I silently worked at making a yogurt bowl with granola and fruits, just taking in Alessia's company before she leaves for camp. I turn around with our bowls in hand

"Lets go sit and eat love," I say and she lets go of me, we make our way to the bar and kyra walks in.

"Hey you two, ooouuu what do we have for breakfast this morning?" Kyra asks.

"Yogurt bowls, do you want one?" I respond

"If you want to make another one, don't feel the need to."

"Not a big deal, you can have mine, I'll just make another one." I say. Kyra sits down next to Less, where my bowl is placed then I make one for myself. When we're all done eating, my phone chimes, I open it and see that I have an email from the Lionesses' head athletic trainer.

"Hmm" I say

"What?' Alessia asks, sounding concerned, I'm scrolling through the email and then all of a sudden the words become a blur and the ones that stand out are that I've been invited to work with the Lionesses' during the April camp.

"Less, we're going to camp together!" I exclaim.

"What? No way! How?" she asks immediately excited. The email states that I have been working so well independently with the Arsenal girls, that they would like to offer me a spot with the national team. They have already reached out to the school and I can return after the April camp to finish the semester.

"Oh look at you two, you're both so happy, can yall just make it official yet?" Kyra says cheekily

"Oh, hush Kyra, go find yourself someone, then we can talk," Alessia says jokingly, "I'm so proud of you Maeve."

"Gosh, this doesn't feel real," I say, and I open my messages to tell the news to Charlotte.

Me: Char! I working with the Lionesses' during the April camp

Char: That's great news Mae, but what about school?

Me: The school said I can pick classes back up after the camp.

Char: Im proud of you Mae <3

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