🌕Episode 4: The Moon🌕

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(A/N: This episode is based off of the Smiling Critter comic dub from Cougar Mcdowall video above. This is also the episode where one of Delilah's glitter jars are introduced, and Delilah reveals a little secret to the critters...)

It was nighttime in the village. KickinChicken, Hoppy, DogDay, CatNap, and Delilah were laying in the grass, looking at the full moon in the sky.

DogDay: Wow, guys! What a view, right?

Delilah: Yeah. The moon is so beautiful..

Hoppy then sits up and looks down at CatNap.

Hoppy: CatNap? I'm just wondering... why is your charm different?

CatNap: What do you mean, Hoppy?

Hoppy: Well, your charm is the moon, but it looks different. Why?

CatNap: Oh. Bubba told me about it. See, the moon is lit up by the sun, but Earth is between them, so we see the moon, shadowed by Earth. It depends on the angle, but every phase looks different. My moon is called "waning cresent", or how you all call it "croissant". *points to the full moon, Hoppy look up* But this? This phase is the full moon.

KickinChicken: So, the moon doesn't shine on its own, huh? Interesting.

CatNap: *chuckles* Nnnope! It's a floating rock. Without the sun, you wouldn't see it! *stretches*

Hoppy: *starstruck* Guys? I want to go to the moon?

Delilah: You want to go to the moon? Why's that?

Hoppy: Just, imagine...wow! The galaxy must look from up there!

KickinChicken looked surprised.

KickinChicken's thoughts: Go to the moon?

Delilah notices KickinChicken's expression and taps him on the shoulder. He snaps out of it and looks at Delilah.

Delilah: You okay?

KickinChicken: Y-yeah. I'm good.

DogDay: CatNap! Don't fall asleep yet! I'll have to carry you on the way back, buddy!! Come on, wake up.

Delilah looks over at DogDay and CatNap, DogDay was gently pawing CatNap's face to make him stay awake, but he only purred in response. Delilah chuckles.

KickinChicken's thoughts: Hoppy wants to go to the moon? But, what about the others?

KickinChicken thinks about the others on the moon.

KickinChicken's thoughts: Bubba could collect some rocks to do some research, and Delilah and Crafty could probably be inspired by the view of the stars...

KickinChicken then gets an idea and smiles.

KickinChicken's thoughts: That gives me an idea!


On the next day, it was sunset. KickinChicken came up to hoppy with two pogo sticks. He gave one of them to Hoppy.

KickinChicken: Hoppy! Wanna go pogo jumping?! Come on! It'll be fun, Hopstar!

Hoppy: *chuckles* Pogo? But, it's almost night!

When it became nighttime, KickinChicken lost his balance and fell off his pogo stick, surprising Hoppy.

Hoppy: *gasps in shock* Oh gosh! You okay, Kickin? *stops jumping and gets off her pogo stick* I'll go get Delilah! *runs off*


After getting patched up by Delilah, KickinChicken thought it was time to ask the brains of the critters: Bubba.

He went to Bubba's house and asked him for help.

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