Chapter 3 - "Caught"

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Welcome back guys we might get our first long episode since I just woke up.

Y/n was shopping for ingredients and bumped into Shido on accident.

Shido: "I'm sorry for bumping into you si-. Y/n?"

Y/n: "Shido?. What are you doing here and who's that girl?."

Y/n already knew that this was gonna happen since he was reading DAL on his past life ( Before he got sucked into the black hole )

Tohka: "Who's that is he an enemy?. Should I use 100% of my power against him?."

Shido: "N-N-No need to do that Tohka he's my classmate and Y/n meet Tohka."

Y/n: "Are you guys dating?. Because it seems it's like that."

Shido: "uhm Uh-"

Tohka: " Yes we are"

Y/n: "Figures."

(Kotori: "Shido. what are you doing continue already.")

Shido: "Sorry Y/n we have to continue now"

Y/n: "It's fine I was also gonna go now. See you soon Shido"

Shido continues his date with Tohka. While Y/n see's Origami Stalking them. And suprises Origami.

Y/n: "Stalking is creepy you know"

Origami gets shocked and aims the gun at Y/n but didn't see anyone behind him.She realized Y/n was fast.

Y/n: "Oi that's illegal." While glaring at Origami who has her guard up.But Y/n was no where to be seen. Origami soon realized that her gun was gone.

"Maybe you should give Shido a good date this time." While Y/n knocks out Origami."

After that Y/n watched Tohka have a successful date. Until Y/n was caught by the Fraxinus. Y/n was shot a poisonous bullet which makes Y/n fall unconscious.

Y/n wakes up locked in a chair like a hostage. Kotori comes in with a remote. Ready to ask questions.

Kotori: "Now why are you Stalking my brother?"

Y/n: "It isnt stalking if it's far away."

Kotori oressed the button. And Y/n Pretends that he got electrocuted.

Y/n: "AGH.."

Kotori: "You better answer my questions seriously if you don't wanna get electrocuted. Now. Why. Are. You. Stalking. My. Brother."

Y/n: "For fun"

Kotori Presses the button and made it 10x the electric.
Y/n didn't notice so he couldn't act.

Kotori: "What...How are you not affected by electricity"

Y/n: "Oh wait you pressed the button?. AGH"

Kotori realized that he was just acting and asked what Y/n is.

Kotori: "WHAT ARE YOU?!?!"

Y/n: "Simple. I am a human."

Kotori: "Impossible a human would've died after that electric shock."

Y/n: "Yeah a human would've died if they weren't trained. And by the way you should increase the strength of these handcuffs if your gonna interrogate me."

Y/n breaks the iron handcuffs with ease and made a hole in the floor of Fraxinus

Kotori was shocked of how strong Y/n was.

Kotori: "We need him to help Shido..."

Back to Y/n's Pov

He goes back to the house he bought.
And forgot to get groceries.

Y/n see's a instant noodles at the table and thanked God for the instant noodles

Next day

Kotori explained to Shido what happened after he went in the Fraxinus

At school

Shido came up to Y/n and Y/n knew what he was about to ask.

Shido: " Y/n-"
Y/n: "It wasn't stalking. It's called watching from a far away.."
The bell rang and Shido when back to his seat while staring at Y/n

Tamae-Chan entered the class room and introduced Tohka as anew classmate

The class ended as Y/n went to the cafeteria to get all the kinako bread
(Y/n loves kinako bread)
And went back to the classroom to eat them

Shido's Pov

Tohka wanted to go to the cafeteria to get kinako bread but saw that Y/n bought them all.
Now Tohka was jealous that Y/n stole all the Kinako bread

Back to Y/n's Pov

Shido went to Y/n's table as Y/n thought it was about the stalking
Y/n: "I'm not giving you info"

Shido: "No it's not about info. It's about kinako bread Tohka wanted some but looks like you also love kinako bread"

Y/n: "Oh Kinako bread?. Here I can buy more later anyways"

Y/n gives Shido 2 of his kinako bread and Shido gave it to Tohka and said "Thanks Y/n"

School ends and Y/n was gonna go home but was stopped by Kotori

Y/n: "What noww.. :/"

Kotori: "Can you help-"

Y/n: "Shido about his goal of saving all the spirits?"

Kotori: "How'd you-"

Y/n: "How'd i know?. I may know about 2 or more things about the future. But what would I get in return?"

Kotori: "Uhm (Since Shido told me that Y/n loves kinako bread) 2 Kinako breads Per Day-"

Y/n: "Deal."

Kotori: ( That worked more than I expected.)

Y/n: " So you want me to protect Shido? How would I know everytime he is gonna die?"

Kotori: "Simple were gonna give you this watch that turns red everytime Shido is in danger if it's red he is in danger if it's green he is perfectly fine if it's yellow he is getting harrassed by one of the spirits probably. "

Y/n: "Alright Do I get my first payment?"

Kotori: "Not until tomorrow."

Y/n: "Why do you have a sassy attitude."

Kotori: "And why do you have a stupid one."

Y/n: "That's mean..I'm gonna go home now"

The next dayyyy

Y/n gets tped to the Fraxinus and was woken up by Kotori
Kotori: "Oi idiot wake up ur late"

Y/n wakes up and looks at where's he is.

Y/n: "Why am I at the Fraxinus.."

Kotori: "Your job starts now get clothes and get to school asap"

Y/n: "Alright Mom"

Kotori: "Wha- DONT CALL ME THAT"

Y/n Laughs as he goes to school running

And that's where we are gonna end it guys.
This was over 1000 words And our first longest chapter

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