the frozen runway

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As usual I am using my phone and scrolling through Instagram while watching some kind of reels which was not so intresting by my point of view of course , suddenly a notification appear on my mobile screen and that's the beginning of my new chapter of life ,
I touch to the notification and just saw the message from an unknown number and I didn't think this will change my whole freaking life all of sudden in a month.
It was unknown number and the chit chat begin with that unknown number user
Hey ?? I replied to the text of that person .
Are you from vks college??? That person asked in chat box .
Hmm . I answered the question
Are you girl or boy ?? That person question back .
Girl ??? I replied
Ooo good . He replied
So why did you text me huh ?? I questioned.
Ohh, I just wanted to be friends with you that's why, 😅😅 that person replied me .
Do you know me ?? I asked again
I would like to know about you ❤️he replied with a heart emoji .
Yeahh okay then are you boy or girl ?? I asked again.
Boy 👍😅he replied
Hmm okay . I replied.

After some time I put my phone away and took my meal while watching television shows with my family and after dinner I took my phone again if my friends text me or something to check I didn't really know why did I take my phone before going to bed . I saw the text from the same guy again Asking my about my name .
Hey , I would like to know your name😅he text me .
It's Jessie , I replied .
How about your name ?? I asked .
My name is tul ❤️😅he replied .
Hm okay good . I replied

For some days out conversation was about meals ,college, study and friends. But gradually I feel like he is good guy and I should talk to him freely but who knows that It was my huge mistake in my whole life .


After some days he became so close friend to me and I was literally sharing him my whole day stories and about my family and friends
We finally decided to meet each other in person
It was corona period but all college were open for vaccination to the students and after I took my vaccine first dose my phone rang up
As I saw the phone screen tul was calling to me
I received it
Hey ? I asked
What's up ?? He replied
All good . I replied
Are you free to meet today?? He asked me .
After thinking for a while and watching the surrounding I felt that all my friends are busy with talking to their boyfriend or girlfriend and I was the only single person in the whole damn group
Okay. I replied
Oooohh that' s great come to the group near sk building. He suggested
Ohhh okay then . I replied
After hanging the phone call I was on the way to meet tul I was excited but little nervous. I thought that he is a nice guy and we will be good after meeting this I is not a big deal to meet someone in a public place

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⏰ Last updated: May 07 ⏰

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