A truck drove down the streets through light traffic like any other day doing their job of making deliveries. They pulled to a stop at a red light just for something swing down to the street landing on the roof. Venera heard honking and screeching tires in front of her seeing the drivers warning the trucker and some cars either stopping or swerved away. Ignoring whats going on she crawled to the lock of the door while the truck was still moving opening it for the door Verena was holding swung open revealing herself in the side mirror for the trucker to see screeching to a stop. Verena swung herself inside the back seeing raw meat products in boxes amd some animal carcass hanging by hooks. She walks in only for the doors to slowly close making her turn around see Richie letting out screech inhumanly. "Oh crud." Said Richie shutting it quick and locked it. He leaned against the door letting out a breathe of relief and jumped to see the unexpected dent of a fist next to his head. "Look its Static!" Said a little kid on the sidewalk seeing Virgil flying in his Static disguise. "I got this one from here." Said Virgil as Ritchie left. He watched a clawed hand bust through the roof of the truck with three others pushing the metal part to create a hole for Verena to jump out and land on her feet exposing her four arms snarling at Virgil showing her rows of sharp teeth. "Wanna play with me big shot?" Said Verena. "Thats what im going for. You did cause some serious metal work that i take advantage of." Said Virgil using his electric powers to zap the truck to shock her. He sees her not fazed by the shock coursing through her body and direct his power back with all four of her arms hitting him backwards to an alley. By the time Verena made he was gone long enough she swung out of the scene. She made it down to the bad side of Dakota City dropping into an abandoned building that was almost boarded up diving into one of the windows that were broken.

Rolling from her back to her feet Verena peeled herself to show only Blake's head leaving the hood on holding out her hands for Verena to pull out a very large thick piece of raw meat and two of the carcass that were hanging from the ceiling of the truck. Blake sat back against the wall with Verena dragging the two carcass with her second pair of arms. "Satisfied." Said Blake then got her head slammed unexpectedly. "I know you wanted more but be lucky you got a buffalo and two cows. Better than nothing." She says before her teeth shifted and began eating the meat. Footsteps were heard with the door being kicked opened by one of Teresa's guy friend who screamed at the sight of the blood around her mouth with a few drips coming from her chin and took off shoving aside a girl with bird like features like her body covered in orange feathers with wings attached to her arms and her feet replaced with talons. "You?!" Said the girl looking at Blake in shock. "Teresa? You got gassed too." Said Blake while eating the meat in her mouth. "Yeah along with my friends. I go by Talon now. How long have you been a bangbaby?" Said Talon. "About a month but when we met isnt exactly me." Said Blake after swallowing. "What you got possessed or something?" Said Talon. "Talon? What is going on?" Said a voice. Blake looked around to see a shadow move on the floor into the room raising up shifting to a guy that she saw before. "Ebon. This is who i was telling about. Verena right?" Said Talon looking at him.then back to Blake. "Yeah but my story is complicated then that. She'll explain once her meal is done." Said Blake while a tentacle like goo rose up from her shoulder 'staring' at the mutants. "Alright. We dont mind waiting. I figured that something was off about you. We'll be downstairs." Said Ebon before he left with Talon. Blake ate the rest of the meat taking her time and shifted back to her on her way down the steps. She saw Talon waiting by the door frame gesturing her to follow seeing Ebon on the couch with the guy from earlier and other gangbabies.

"So tell us about Verena?" Said Ebon having her sit down. "Me and Verena met the day my family was killed in a gas explosion. I was inside when she found me after crashing near by and saved my life." Said Blake. "Youre telling us that Verena is an alien?" Said Ebon. "Yeah. No. Youre not knocking me out like last t-" Blake suddenly slammed her head hard on the coffee table dropping to the floor not moving. "I think we should drop her in the loony house." Said a guy with a large nose. Ebon looked at Blake shifting into another who snapped her black eyes and jumped back on her feet. "Wanna run that by me again?" Said the girl. "Verena?" Said Ebon. "Yeah. Believe us now?" Said Verena plopping down putting her feet on the table. "After making Blake eat raw meat. I do. So you can possess anyone?" Said Talon. "Yes and no. We can take one host of our choosing and cant survive without each other if we get separated. Now that we got exposed to the gas our DNA is fused together along with other abilities." Said Verena. "Like a strong stomach." Said the guy. "You prefer i eat humans? Its been a long time and not hesitate to try it again." Said Venera grinning showing her rows of sharp teeth. She heard her phone going off seeing it was Giani answering it before clearing her throat. "Hello? . . . Around. What's up? . . . Alright. Im coming. Bye." Said Verena in Blake's voice. "Bye. Tell anyone and two things will happen. I kill you or Blake's family will." Said Verena before getting up. "Before you go. How about you consider being with us?" Said Ebon walking with her. "Blake's family is a secret mafia. Not worth getting a bullet hitting a pretty boy like you." Said Verena then shifted back to Blake. "Fuck! I got a migraine. Thanks a lot." Said Blake rubbing her head. "Need to go somewhere? I can take yea anywhere." Said Ebon. "I live above Santoro." Said Blake. She watched Ebon opening a portal with his body walking through it. The alley between Santoro and another building next door was empty Blake walked out of the shadows looking back seeing Ebons eyes. "Think about about i said." Said Ebon. "You do you and i do me." Said Blake walking out. "There you are. Your grandma is having her episode still in her floor. I'll be covering some shifts and meet you later. Go on." Said Giani ushering Blake upstairs. 

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