Locked in

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Seth walks off grabbing a drink as he pours him a drink as Alana sigus knowing how hard this must be on him as she motions the others to let him grieve.

She then here's something "what is that noise"she asked looking around.

"At first I thought it was just birds"frost says looking around.

"Its bats"Seth says downing his drink as they all share looks before out outside of the bar was shown as many bats were flying around as the moon was high in the night sky as Alana turns to the rattling door.

"We need to block any openings so they can't get in"Alana says as she and a few others barricade the doors and any openings to keep the bats out while sex machine walks around as Kate backs up into the bar breathing heavily before a top half of man who was attacked by vampires earlier on now turned vampire as he pulls him so towards kate as she screams when her leg was grabbed as she trys to run before falling.

Alana heard Kate screaming making her turn and see a vampire trying to bite her as she runs over kicking the bastard off Kate helping her up as she stands protectively in front of the girl as the vampire was stabbed in the heart with a broken piece of Wood by sex Machine who nods.

"Thanks"Kate says to both of them breathing heavily as the vampire burst into flames before alana sees another one stand up having turned to a vampire as he punched sex machine in the face.

"Kate stay here"Alana says as Jacob holds his daughter as she walks over going to help as she snaps her whip out as she snaps it around the vamos neck holding it tight as frost throws a lit match on it as she throws the vamp into the stage as it burns before they each went to a dead body as they staked them before they could turn as sex machine made sure to hide his fresh bite marks with his leather jacket.

"Alright all the vamos are dead and every opening blocked"Alana says breathing heavily locking around.

"Does anybody know what's going on here"Jacob asked as they all stood around.

"My guess this was a vamp nest I think and my guess that those bats out there are just the same trying to get in"Alana says shrugging her shoulders as Seth nods his head agreeing as he loads his gun going on about how they're here to suck are blood and how they are real.

"Now that we all agree what do we know about vampires."he asked.

"You can kill them with a stake through the heart ,crosses hurt them and that they burn in the sunlight etc"Alana says crossing her arms as Seth nods his head.

"She's right and do we have a cross"he asked.

"In the mortor home"Jacob says with a sigh.

Seth places his hands on his hips"in other words no"he says.

Seth then came up with an idea "wait we do just look around we have crosses all over all you have to do is put two pieces of wood together you got a cross"he says making them realize they can make crosses before they figure out what they have around them that can be used against the vampires.

Alana rolls her eyes when Seth and Jacob get into it again as she leans against the corner as sex machine walks around as you can still hear the bats flying around while frost goes on and on about how they can handle this with a story of his own a low hissing can be heard as sex machine was shown frowning in confusion as he swears he can hear women's voice telling him to kill the others before he felt his teeth they were fangs as he covered his mouth in shock before his hand morphs into a monsterous hand with sharp black nails as he quickly hides his hand when Alana turns around.

"You okay"she asked with a raised eyebrow as he smiles nodding his head as she turns back around listening to frost who continues to tell his story.

"I came to my senses but at last I killed that entire squad single handedly there was blood chucks of yellow flesh"he continues with his story in detail when suddenly sex machine appears transformed into a hideous vampire with his hands on frost shoulders as he hisses before biting into his neck as frost screams as Alana makes sure Kate and Scott are behind her when Seth and Jacob run over to help only for them to be thrown back as he fights with them as frost stumbled forward just as sex machine bit Jacob making his kids scream in shock before Jacob and Seth both charge at him only for Seth to be thrown on the ground and Jacob into the bars shelv of alcohol as he falls with glass shattering.

Sex machine them turns to Alana as she stands in front of the kids a she hisses as frost comes out of his shock"you fuckin bit me!"he yells grabbing sex machine throwing him mid air into a boarded up window crashing through as bats fly in as frost stands up now as a vampire his face morphs into a hideous vampire with his mo stretches out as he roars.

"Shit come on!"Alana says pushing the kids as they run off with Seth as they run into a door as frost points making the bats follow just as alana kicks the door hard breaking it before they run through in the hall as Seth and Alana makes sure Scott and Kate stay close as they run into a dead end room as the Alana and seth quickly slam the door closed on a vamp who screech's as ita head pock through.

"Son of a bitch"Alan's swears before taking out a knife as she stabs it into her eyes as he roars pulling back letting them slam the door closed breathing heavily as they lock it as the kids stand breathing heavily.

"Wait we have to go back our dad is out there"Kate says breathing heavily.

"Kate honeys there's to many out there"Alana says as tears build in Kate's and Scott's eyes before hun shots were heard making them share wide eyed looks as Jacob was shown with a gun made like cross as he shoots backing up through the hall way while holding back the vampires with the cross.

"Its me hurry up and let me in!"Jacob says before Alana and seth quickly unlock the door letting him in before they slam the door closed and locking it as the vampires bang against it as they all share looks breathing heavily.

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