Chapter 23

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Levana pov.

I ran out of the palace grounds and into the village surrounding it. As I run by the early rising villagers they greet me with my people's sign. You place two fingers and your thumb on your face. Your middle finger and thumb on the outside of your eyes and your index finger in the middle of your forehead. Then move your hand in the direction of the person you are greeting. It means "I see your soul creature." A soul creature is the creature you have the honor of shifting into.

I run towards the edge of the village. As the houses go by there is more and more distance between them. Finally I arrive. I stop running as I clear the few trees and my feet touch the sand. It always takes my breath away. I take a deep breath of the fresh ocean air marveling at the salty smell.

"I see your soul." I whisper to the sea.

My mother lies in the waters now. She passed from a sickness some 60 years ago. I miss her terribly. She believed in me the most. She believed if I was myself it would change the way of our people. She passed believing this and it hasn't changed a thing.

"Why did it have to be me the goddess saved? Why couldn't it be you?" I say to wind.

The cool water touches my feet waking me from my thoughts. I sigh before giving the golden sunrise one last look. I walk back up the beach and head towards the village.

I can already smell the food cooking in the cafes. Oh the bread! I love the bread. The best bread in land comes from a small bakery on the south of village. A place called Tanio's. Tanio's is owned by a horse shifter named well Tanio.

"Good morning Bronco." I said walking into the door. I greet him before walking over to the cooling fresh bread on the counter.

"I see your soul. Good morning your highness! What may I get you this fine morning?" He greeted me as he walked over.

"Hmmm I think I'll just take the usual and maybe those ginger cake cookies." I say as I hand him my basket.

"Ms Arten said she has a nephew for you to meet." He told me as he packed up the bread.

"Ms Arten is always trying to get me to meet people my age." I said to him looking at all the tasty looking sweets.

"And that's a bad thing why?" He asked as he grabbed the cookies.

"Because then I become friends with them. And next thing I know they're 60 years old and I'm barely 16." I said giving him a look.

"I'm 55 not 60, and your still my best friend. Just because you age slower doesn't mean you can't have friends. Look at us we stayed friends all these years." He told me as he handed my basket back and ruffled my hair.

"Hey!" I swatted his hand away. "Yeah yeah, whatever. I'll see you tomorrow." I smiled at him as I walked out the door. If I had known what was to come I would have stayed just a little longer.

A/N- Hey y'all! Thanks for reading! If you like Avatar stories go checkout my new book The Way of The Heart. I also started a new avengers soulmate book called Moon Lifter. See ya next update!(⁠✯⁠ᴗ⁠✯⁠)

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