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Matts POV
Nicks been a prick for the past few months. We've tried to understand his state of depression and anxiety but he won't let us help him. He seems to think that we don't care when me and Chris do it's just annoying when he won't listen to us.

"Nick please just come out..." I said "You already know I'm gay i don't need to tell you again" he snapped. "Nick comedy is not needed right now. Can you please step outside your room?" I begged through the door. "No I'm staying in here and there's nothing you can do about it." He said,his voice faint.

"Nick I'll get Chris to call the fucking police to drag your ass out of here." I said "What because you with your anxiety can't do it? Fucking pussy." He said. "Chris..." I said as Chris just hugged me and pulled out his phone. "Yeah I need the police here. We have a mentally ill brother and he hasn't came out his room for days" Chris said telling them our address.

"IM NOT FUCKING MENTALLY ILL! FUCK WHAT IF WRONG WITH YOU BOTH!" Nick shouted as he started crying "Nick it's for the best your going to end up hurting us..." Chris said. "SO WHAT I-IM THE B-BAD PERSON?! D-DO YOU G-GUYS EVEN L-LOVE ME?!" He shouted obviously having a panic attack.

"Chris we need to calm him down..." Matt said still holding onto me "I know. Nick open this d-" I said but then there was a knock. I opened the door and the police were there. "Where's his room?" They asked "Up the stairs and to the right" I said.

Nicks POV
Fuck this. I took some pills to calm myself down but before I knew it my door was being banged on "ITS THE POLICE IF YOU DONT OPEN THE DOOR WE'RE GOING TO BUST IT DOWN." They shouted. My whole body started shaking as I opened the door only to be pushed against the floor.

They wrapped handcuffs around my wrists and I looked at them. "What the fuck...?" I asked as my breathing started going shallow,Matt and Chris ran up and saw I was breathing heavily they tried to calm me down but my ears were ringing and everything was blurry.

"Right we're gonna have to take him to the police station. He's a threat to you and your I'm assuming twin? He could hurt you guys and the best thing we can do is keep you both safe." They said "Okay" Matt said so unbothered. This pissed me off.

"DO YOU JUST NOT CARE?! IM BEING TAKEN AWAY. FROM YOU AND CHRIS! YOU DONT UNDERSTAND I FUCKING HATE YOU" I shouted but I was being pushed into a police car as the flashing lights drove away from the house. My hands were behind my back and I physically couldn't move. My wrists started to hurt and I started feeling sick and dizzy.

"When did you last eat?" They started questioning me. I knew they were gonna start asking so many questions. I shrugged I didn't know what to say I felt cold. Really cold. It was night time but it was warm so why was I so cold?

We arrived at the station and I was thrown into a room and handcuffed to the table. "So your brothers said you were mentally ill we're gonna asked some questions." The officer said. "When did you last eat?" He asked "2 weeks ago" I said "What are you struggling with?" He asked again.

"CAN WE FUCKING STOP! I WANNA GO HOME I DONT WANNA BE HERE" I shouted. They just threw me out the station and I ran home and tried to open the door but it was being blocked. I tried knocking but "NICK GO FIND SOMEWHERE ELSE TO STAY!" Matt shouted "B-but I have no where else..." I said "TO BAD YOU HATE ME RIGHT?!" Matt shouted.

"M-Matt please...it's cold and raining I'm tired..." I said shivering,I was only in a t-shirt and baggy pants. "TO BAD NICK YOU BROKE ME WITH THAT SENTANCE. I TRIED TO HELP YOU BUT YOU WERE FAR TO SELFISH TO ACCEPT THE HELP I WAS GIVING YOU!" Matt shouted.

"SO GO FIND SOMEWHERE ELSE TO STAY!" Matt shouted as I heard him walk away. I sat on the floor in front of our house and just stayed there. I felt myself starting to go numb especially my arms,I knew I was getting cold and I didn't know what to do.


Please let me in.
I'm cold.
Chris please
I'm sorry
Matt won't let me in
Chris please...
I'm begging you...

Nick no fuck off somewhere

My phone died. FUCK. I buried my head in my knees and just broke down as I pulled my hair,I didn't know what to do I felt sick. I needed up throwing up next to me and throwing up more seeing the sight of puke.

I started crying more. All I wanted was to go inside my own home. Matt opened the door and I looked at him. "M-matt p-please" I said on my knees begging me to let me inside. "You hate me no?" He said crossing his arms,I needed up throwing up again but it was...


I started panicking. "I-I'm s-sorry..." I stuttered as I started crying. Matt just shut the door on me. "M-MATT P-PLEASE!" I shouted banging on the door all I wanted was my comfy bed...it's 2am for fucks sake. I just want to sleep.

I found a piece of glass on the floor and inspected it as it shimmered. I pressed it onto my skin and made a load of deep cuts on myself,maybe if I hurt myself they would feel sympathy for me? What if I went missing? Would they even care? What if I just killed myself? Would they be happier? Probably.

20 minutes later my legs thighs ankles both arms were all covered in deep cuts. The blood was bleeding through my pants leaving blood stains on them but I didn't care. It comforted me seeing my own blood. The sun started rising and I smiled hoping that they would let me inside.

Chris opened the door and just gasped. "N-Nick?" He said.

Chris's POV
It was around 7am the sun was just rising. I went outside to see if Nick stayed there and. He was pale. His lips were blue. His whole body was shaking. He has cuts all over him. He has bruises and everything all on him.

He grabbed my leg and begged me to let him inside. "P-please c-Chris....I-I..." he said before loosing all weight of his body. "NICK!" I shouted trying to wake him up.

I picked him up and god he was so light. I brought him up to his room as I bandaged his cuts he woke up. "Hey breathe...let me just finish this" I said wrapping the last bit around his ankles. "Nick...sweetie what is going on?" I asked tears filling my eyes "Fuck...I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry! I didn't mean to hurt you why do I fuck everything up!" Nick said as he threw something across the room.

I cuddled him into my chest. "Sweetheart...you don't mess everything up. Listen just try and get some sleep okay lovely?" Chris I said. He walked into my room and grabbed one of my hoodies sliding it on before laying down and falling asleep.

"What the fuck?" Matt asked rubbing his eyes seeing Nick. "Matt...he was pale. He had Puke around him. His lips were blue. He has cuts literally everywhere...." I said. That was when Matt saw the bandages.

"Is he gonna be okay...?" Matt asked sitting next to Nick "He will be...right now he just needs us. I know how hard it is since he's literally rejected our help many times but Matt we physically cannot give up on him. He'll end up dead if we don't help him..." I explained.

"Does he hate me...?" Matt asked "I don't hate you Matt...I'm sorry for saying that I didn't mean it..." Nick spoke as Matt just wrapped his arms around him. "I forgive you Nick...I'm sorry for locking you out the house and ignoring your needs" Matt apologised.

"Let's all go back to sleep I'm still fucking tired" I said as they both agreed.

We all just fell asleep.

I have no clue what happens in police stations I just wrote this because it came to mind <333

Nick angst Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now