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Start from the beginning

Patrick was fairly known throughout the School. The only reason he actually was because he was in a tight group with Hughie, Gibsie and of course Johnny. Everyone knew Johnny Kavanagh, he was an amazing Rubgy player. Feely respected him very much, not only for his driven mindset but also his normal chilled out nature.

He was just about to turn around the corner, when a girl bumped into his chest.

Not just any fucking girl.


Rory fucking Kavanagh.


Feely had always held a tiny interest in the girl. Ever since he saw the girl at 9 years old holding onto her big brother's hand. She was beautiful, having medium wavy brown hair and deep blue eyes. She always held herself with her head held up high and a 'Don't fucking test me' attitude.

"Ah Jaysus, I am so sorry." He muttered embarrassed.

"Oh, Hi Feely" She chirped up.

"I'm really sorry, Rory."

"It's not a problem, really. I wasn't even looking." She left out a little laugh.

God, he loved that laugh.

"Well I-" He was about to countine the conversation, before he got interrupted.

"Rory Kavanagh, get your ass over!" Someone shouted from across the hall. Which it turned out to be Hughie's little sister, Claire.

"I.. I should probably go over there." She gave a sympathetic smile.

"Right yeah! I'll see ye around." Giving a small smile.

He watched the Burnette walk away. He let out a sigh, of course their conversation got interrupted.

"So, who are we looking at!" A enthusiastic voice popped up behind his shoulder.

Patrick whipped his head around, finding nun other than fucking Gibsie. Gibsie was one of Feely's best friends, he loved the boy. But dear God was he like a golden retriever. It was like he never ran out of energy.

"Notin Lad." Patrick was quick to reply, not wanting Gibsie to figure out who he was staring at.

If Gibsie found out Feely was looking at Rory, he'd be in deep shit. Rory being the younger sister of Johnny meant she was off limits, to anyone on the team. Meaning he would get beat to death, if Johnny found out.

"Wait! Where you looking at Baby Kav!" Gibsie whisper shouted with wide eyes.

"Keep your fucking voice down! And No I wasn't, I accidentally bumped into her."

"Ah lad, it's alright if ye were. I always look at Claire-Bear and Hughie would beat me to death if i did anything to her. So, your secrets safe with me."

"Let's just get to class." Patrick grumbled already walking down the hallway.

"Oi, wait for me." Gibsie slowly jogged up to the boy.


Rory slammed her locker door. When she turned around Ronan Mcgarry was standing infront of her, with menacing smirk.

She shivered.

Rory usually never got scared of men or anyone to be honest. But when it came to man that had this terrifying aurora and could easily overpower her. She was about ready to shit herself. So she did the only thing she could think of, getting the fuck out of this situation.

"What do you want, Ronan." She stated with a stern voice.

"Just wanted to talk to you. That such a big deal?" He tilted his head with a dangerous glint in his eyes.

"Yeah, well I don't want to talk to you." She said as she moved to leave.

Unfortunately for her, he put his arm out blocking her way.

Welp, how the fuck are you gonna get out of this situation Rory.

"I have to get class, Ronan." The girl stated through gritted teeth.

"Class can wait, why don't you and I have some fun." He smirked reaching for the wasteband of her skirt.

She froze.

The young Kavanagh girl couldn't move.

She felt like a deer at headlights.

Then suddenly, the sound of screeching and banging happened in a blur.

"Your a fucking thick one aren't ye?" A familiar deep voice shouted.

A tall, mop of black hair and muscle was towering over Ronan.


Patrick fucking Feely.

Her Savior.

"Hey! You were interrupting us!" Ronan said as he pushed Patrick back.

Who barely moved.

"Do I really have to do this? You already got it from Johnny." The taller boy said in a no nonsense voice.

What the hell did Johnny do?

Confusion was laced on Rory's face.

"I'm gonna say this once and your gonna listen, understand?" Patrick gritted.

Ronan rolled his eyes, ready to get the fuck out of there.

But Patrick was quick. Slamming the smaller boy back against the locker.

"I said, understand?"

Rory gaped at the boy. He was being very fucking Hot, right now. She always knew he was attractive, but this. This opened something new.

Ronan resultantly nodded. Knowing what would happen if he didn't comply.

"Don't ever fucking touch her or talk to her. Or else I'll fucking tell Kavanagh and he'll do a whole lot worse, than I will. Now get the fuck out of here." He roared at him.

"O- Okay, Jesus. I won't ever touch her. I swear."

"Get the fuck out of here then."

Ronan Legged it out of there. Like a Pussy.

Patrick calmly sighed. His shoulders sagging, as he turned to Rory.

"Are you alright?" He asked calmly.

"Yeah..." She said with a sigh of relief giving him a small thankful smile.

"If he ever bothers you just tell me and I'll sort him out."

"Okay, My Saviour." She giggled.

"Your Saviour?" He gave her teasing smile.

"Well you just saved me. I owe ye one."

"Ye don't, honestly."

"Mhm, Well Thank you Patrick really. And I do owe you. Whether you like it or not. Okay?" She gave him a wide smile.

"Okay." He gave her a warm smile back.

Suddenly the girl became shy. A blush appearing on her cheeks. She just hoped Patrick didn't notice.

"I.. I should probably go." She pointed behind her back and then gave a shy smile.

"Yeah, I'll see ye around, Kav."

"See ye around, Feely."

She turned around started to walk away quickly. God she shouldn't be getting nervous and fucking blushing around him. But today opened a new light about Patrick to Rory.

And maybe old feelings.

𝙀'𝙨 𝙉𝙤𝙩𝙚𝙨
Hiii! Sorry it took so long for this to come out. It's almost the end of school year so hopefully I'll be able to post more and get a schedule. Anyways as always enjoy this chapter and I'll be back sooner. Bye!

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