shield orphanage

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Natasha pov

Me and Maria had to get the person who inherited all of katharine and Albert hehls stuff;in their will was a 14yrold kid.

Elvira came in wearing a track suit;we asked "relation to them".elvira retorted "I'm their adopted kid".Maria added "who are your biological parents".elvira retorted "Thomas and Maria clarence;my mother changed her surname after she met my dad;they put me up for adoption".

We told her with her parents;I noticed that she looked a little tense around them and always kept her guard up;Maria added "you inherit all of your guardians items and you will still be under your parents car or the shield orphanage".elvira pick the 2nd option.

We told her the rules;her parents added "why don't you stay with us".I could sense some tension between them;it seemed like it evident it was a bad chose to leave her with her parents.

After we walked with her to the room;after i asked "whats the situation like at home".while checking her medical files;elvira added "my parents tried to kill me with allergens;they found out I had a severe allergic reaction to red 40 and they caused 40 hospital trips;in comparison I haven't been in the hospital in my grandparents care".I asked "who called?the ER".

Elvira added "I have a blood monitor that tells me if I'm about to have an Allergic reaction;it helps so I can find somewhere safe so I don't injure myself when it happens and it calls the ER".I added "have you got epipens and how severe of a reaction we talking".

Elvira retorted "I have k-98;how severe is seizures and not breathing and playing dead".I added "severe;how do you know your parents did that?".elvira added "well every time I went to hospital they had to take out a red 40 coated bullet".

Elvira was physically fine;we made sure nothing had sharp corners in her room;we saw elviras school time table;it was hectic;wasn't she depressed from seeing her family die;I told elvira about the counseling.

The therapist asked "so how's it been?".elvira added "hard but it's harder knowing that all of this to be sacrificed so one man can snap his fingers and save us all in process;then 5 years later they will come back 5 years older and some might not come back home".

The therapist was silent in though be fore asking "why do you still want to stay alive".elvira added "to keep the family line going".

After the evaluation;she left;elvira resembled her grandmother in many ways and grandfather in many more ways.

(Time skip)

I felt emotion for that kid for some reason;clint wasn't really in for having another young teen in the house worried about how wanda and Peter would act.

Lorren and elvira chatted and lorren added "la portai,na gomen tarko mosu po nitro(don't forget;i will always trust In you)".elvira added "aka klomen topare(I will always trust In you)".lorren smiled a little.

We went back to Maria's place;Maria asked "where is your freind going that you can't go?".lorren added "a traditional party".

(Time skip)

Me and Clint noticed a lot of people while we were disgiuses;clint added "why are they dressed like that,in traditional some kind of European folk clothing".I added "I dont know".

We got a call there was large gatherings;a couple of people started blocking of the whole block;I asked "whats going on".the person in the black suit added "there is a festival going on".

What were they celebrating;I noticed elvira;why was elvira here;we had our translater on and nick fury updated it so that it could translate anything.

Everyone handed leaflets;they were singing about lokis daughters birth;amazing pitch and tone,how did they sing so well;many of the youngest were in the front and the oldest members sitting in chairs on the side;the teens were behind the children;the language was ikiraio,everyone put a hand on each other shoulders.

It was reminiscent of Christmas;there was definitely community spirit;were they just praying all night;why was elvira here?unless elvira is apart of this community.

Clint smiled a little and whispered "its nice to watch".

After that everyone put the prayers back and dance music was put on;little kids chased eachother with sticks and acted like they had weopons.

The teens were dancing a traditional folk dance of some kind along with the rest of the adults;pink coloured milk and coke cola was on tap;what was the pink coloured milk;It was rose milk.

Some of the teens were playing a game called "hot potato".the game got gradually faster and faster until more and more people were out;so tonight was just a community having fun;we got ourselves some cokes knowing it was going to be a long night.

Clint whispered "we should find elvira".we walked through the crowds and found her dancing with some of the pre-teens and other teens.

They certainly knew how to dance;why wasn't lorren allowed in;we asked and it was only witches and wizards which explained all the impossible moves and explosion sounds and weird drinks.

Some of them were shooting balls into the sky which were creating fireworks;the teens we saw dancing were gaining the crowd;the crowd were cheering them on and this was the last song before the end of the party.

Elvira was good at dancing;it took a lot of physical skill to use legs that much with the amount of flips and kicks;this culture was intriguing some what;the majority of the music sounded like traditional Russian folk music kind of.

It was impressive how they had this much talent;they partied hard into the night and didn't drink.

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⏰ Last updated: May 16 ⏰

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