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The music is too loud; I know it's loud, but I never knew it would cause a headache. Do I have such sensitive ears? I instinctively don't listen to rock music and choose gentle classical music instead. It's pounding in my ears, my chest, and reverberating throughout my entire body.

Now, I'm even beginning to feel the headache. I sigh as I glance around; everyone is busy with each other. I pick up the bottle of champagne near the bucket and start chugging it down. Drinking is never allowed at home, but somehow I feel like I have done this before—the sweet and spicy taste. I glance down to take a look at the bottle and read the name on top of it.

Suddenly, something flashes in my mind.

"You can come here if you date me."

"I bet you say that to every girl!"

Huh? What is that? Who is that man? I wonder as I tilt my head, staring into space. Suddenly, I feel a tap on my shoulder, bringing me back to reality.

"Vivian! Look, that cute bartender has been staring at you for quite some time. Why don't you talk to him? You said you wanted to meet guys," Lucia whispers eagerly, glancing at the bartender across the room. I also look in the same direction, my eyes feeling a little hazy as I stare at him, blurring his face.

"Should I?" I hiccup. "Oh dear, you're wasted!" Lucia looks at me pitifully. I frown, "No! I'm not!" I insist as I get up from the sofa, bottle still in my hand. I begin to stride straight towards the bar counter.

Or that's what Vivian thinks, but she is so drunk that she can't even walk straight. Lucia tilts her head, gazing at her waddling like a duck, a small smile appearing on her lips.

But the smile disappears as soon as she sees five drunk men approaching her, slowly encircling around her. Lucia gets up from her seat, ready to go and help, but as she is about to reach, suddenly one of the men, who somehow manages to hold Vivian's hand, goes flying just next to Lucia, leaving her eyes wide open. She stands there frozen and confused. Then she sees Vivian grabbing a fistful of another man's head, breaking a champagne bottle on him, and throwing him towards the other man, who loses his balance and stumbles down the stairs.

"What were you barking about?"

"I'd like to see your dick. Should I make it this way so you can't show it to anyone else, huh?" Vivian asks, laughing as she walks to the one who seems like their boss.

But just then, Lucia notices another man coming towards her with a glass bottle.

"Vivian!" Lucia shouts, and Vivian glances at him once before instinctively grabbing his wrist, twisting it, and then taking his entire arm and slamming him on the nearby glass table, causing the glass to shatter into pieces.

She glares back once again at the last one, his eyes fearful of her. She has the eyes of a crazy maniac, cracking the bone of her neck, stepping forward in a creepy manner. She draws her hand back, ready to shove the broken glass into his crotch. But suddenly, three women grab her body. It's Lucia and two other waitresses serving.

"That is not required. I think you taught them a good lesson, Vivi!" Lucia whispers in her ear.

"I did?" Vivian asks in her still-drunk voice. Everyone close to them nods, afraid of any more chaos that she might bring.

Before Vivian can notice, the staff slowly takes the broken glass bottle out of her hand.

"What is happening here?" The cold, manly voice cut through the air. Everybody stiffened, essentially the staff.

Just then, Vivian felt light-headed causing her crumble on the floor like a puppet doll who's strings are cut off.

"Ah! Vivi!" Lucia exclaimed.

"I'm okay! Just feeling a little dicchi. . . ." She slurrs out in her still drunken tone.
And, Lucia's heart badumps in her chest as she closes her eyes. The man before her looked someone extremely exiquisite. He seemed like the owner of this place seeing how all the managers and staff were treating him. What if he places blame of Vivian?

"No sir! This woman here did not beat them up for no reason!" One of the waitress speaks up, her eyes fearful.

"How dare you interupt when higher ups are talking?" The middle aged man yelled, making the young waitress shiver.

But instead recieved a glare from the presumed owner of the place, which indicated him to shut his mouth. And then he glanced at the young waitress, motioning her to speak.

"S-sir! These men come here every night and cause trouble, assault us female waitresses and staff, we have lodged a complain against this to higher ups many times, but they dismissed it by saying that we must have heard it wrong or would have taken the situation in the wrong way. The harrassment went on but today when they tried to do the same with the customer over there! It was self defense." Her voice trembled as she said all these in one go.

"No sir! I have never recieved such a complain!"

"Don't lie manager!"
"Yes! Don't lie!" Other female employees protested when the manager tried to lie.

The man claded in expensive suit, breathed in sigh rolling his eyes before glancing at the employees and then gazing at the manager who seemed to be bickering.

"You're saying that these many people are wrong and you alone are right? Do you take me for in idiot?" Owner asks as the frown on his face deepens. He pinched his temples closing his eyes, as he motioned towards Vivian and Lucia.

"Please take her home, she is drunk. We'll compensate for amy damage caused in this scruffle." He said and his assistant instantly pulled out a visitng card, and handed it to Lucia. One more female employee and Lucia helped Vivian to stand on her feet.

When Vivian gazed up from the floor to see who was shouting, her eyes instantly got filled with view of the man who was scolding a middle aged man, her heart skipped a beat. She stopped breathing momentarily, she could feel the bubbly feeling in her chest.

While she was helped out of the club. Even his angry face and sunken eyes with eye bags and face was overly pale. He didn't look bad, He looked like those characters straight out of the book. Just out of tid world. And, He exuded the aura of elegance and honour like that of king.

I want him to be hold me so close to himself, that I just passou— and she literally got knocked out. Without being held by the man she was fantasizing.

Little did Vivian know, that he belonged to royalty.

SWEET ADDICTION 2 | C. YEONJUNOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz