The part where it all comes together - Arjun

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"Aha Parth! You just had to say."

Arjun shook his head at his mischievous antics and bit back an impulsive grin. "What had you so in thought, Madhav?"

"Just things." Of course his friend was being as illusive as ever.

"Things you can share?"

Madhav laughed, the tinkling sound settling Arjun's nerves. "Nothing too serious, Parth. I was just planning for our battle."

"Battle?" Arjun's heart clenched at the pitter-patter of apprehension that rose in him and yet Madhav's calm countenance made it easier for him to hold unto his agitation . "So, it will come down to that?

"In a way. Let us sit, Parth."

Arjun followed Krishna's lead and was led to sit on the sandy shores; imitating him Arjun stretched out his legs, keeping his toes dipped in the water.

"Parth, do you understand exactly what is happening here?''

"What?" Arjun looked up at Krishna in some confusion and with a lot of question. "About what is happening to me? Yes... Well, at least what you have told me about all this."

Krishna nodded and Arjun could feel the unrest in his demeanour. "More specifically, I meant about why you are still trapped in your mind, despite your physical body having healed. Parth..."

Here Krishna looked around at Arjun and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Parth, some things you already know and some you have already deciphered from the events happening around you. When you were hit by the arrow, it held a curse powerful enough to attempt to harm the entire Kuru Clan or more specifically, the Kauravas, as they were born from one single mass of flesh."

Arjun did not look away from Krishna's penetrating gaze, allowing every emotion and thought on his face to remain open for his friend to read into.

"The Pandavas share a similar bond; all of you are born of divine powers. But it is not the only thing binding all of you. Your love, care, trust and regard for each other, it is seldom seen. And then there is Panchali; she is another link that binds you. And thus, what was to destroy the Kauravas, rebounded against you. And it did not stop with physically harming you."

Krishna had been running his fingers through the warm sand, essentially using his hand as a sieve, and now held up a tiny, sharp looking stone.

"Do you know what happens when something, that is not supposed to, embeds into your flesh?"

Arjun tilted his head the slightest bit. "It infects the area?"

Krishna nodded. "It cause your body to react, oftentimes violently, and it usually leads to infection. As you said. It has to be removed from the body or..."


"Or your body pushes it out."

"Yes. It does, at times."

"But the best option always remains to pull it out before it could do too much damage." Krishna's voice had lowered significantly and Arjun had to stare at his face in sharp concentration in order to allow the words to remain audible.

"What are you implying, Madhav?"

Krishna looked over and Arjun felt the warmth of his affection wrap him in the softest embrace. Did he ever receive such absolute comfort? Maybe in Mata Kunti's arms... Maybe in his Jyestha's embrace... But in such totality? He couldn't remember.

"Parth?" A hand held unto his face. "Do I have your attention, Parth?"

Arjun shook himself up and tried to follow instructions. "Just very exhausted, Madhav."

An interlude to SunsetWhere stories live. Discover now