Bonus Epilogue (Fiorella): Promote Him

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"Please have a seat, Mr. Di Spirito," I told the man, using my crisp, businesslike tone when he swaggered into my office.

He threw himself into the chair in front of my desk with a smirk, legs splayed wide, one arm thrown jauntily over the back of the chair. 

"Now, Mr. Di Spirito, I've had to call you in again because we've received some complaints about you --"

"Who? Give me names and I can guarantee there won't be any complaints in the future."

I sighed at his threatening tone. If ever there was a problem employee who needed to be dealt with...

"Mr. Di Spirito, you can't kill everyone who makes a complaint against you."

"Why not?"

I slammed my palm on my desk. "Would you please focus!"

He shrugged and put his hand over his crotch. "Hard to focus when you're making me so fucking hard, Ms. HR Director."

"That is not acceptable, Mr. Di Spirito!" I snapped at him. "As I was saying, we've received a number of complaints about your productivity and your poor attitude. You were already put on a performance improvement plan and you have failed to meet any of the objectives or milestones set for you."

"So wait." He sat up, but I think it was more so he could try to look down my shirt because he definitely wasn't looking into my eyes. I pressed my arms together to give him some more cleavage and enjoyed almost making him smile before he reined it in. "You were serious about that shit?"

"Yes. As I was saying, because of the reasons I just mentioned, we're going to have to let you go."

"You wearing anything under that tight-as-fuck skirt?" He sat back and his hand started slowly rubbing up and down, up and down over his crotch.

"That is none of your business and please stop doing...that! You do not want an extra charge against you in addition to everything else."

"Well, that outfit is just making me want to bend you over the desk and push that skirt up --"

I shot to my feet. "Mr. Di Spirito! You have no right to make disparaging comments about a woman's clothing choices or to talk about her like that!"

"It wasn't disparaging. I'm quite the fan of your clothing choices and the way that top makes your tits look. Show me your tits, baby."

"I am not showing you my -- Ugh! What I'm going to do is call security to have you escorted from the building."

"It's up to you if you want their deaths on your conscience."

"This is exactly why we had to let you go! You can't just go around killing people! Your attitude is deplorable, Mr. Di Spirito."

He shrugged. "It'd get a lot better if you'd suck me off, or better yet, spread those thick thighs of yours and let me fuck that wet pussy. Bet your attitude would improve, too."

Grabbing a stack of papers from my desk, I went to stand in front of my problem employee and slammed the papers down off to the side. I made sure to give him a good look at my skirt that barely covered my ass. Thank goodness it was way after hours here.

"Enough! These are you severance papers, and I'll need you to sign them, please."

Santo stood up and invaded my space, his lips at my ear. "I'm not signing jack shit unless I have some incentive to."

"You'll be receiving a week of severance  for every year of --" I slapped his hand away that had slowly been pushing up the side of my skirt. "Mr. Di Spirito! This is totally unacceptable!"

The Body #1: Santo and FiorellaWhere stories live. Discover now