Chapter 36 (A Promise and a Ceremony)

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The pair woke up and realised they must have fallen asleep.

Alice got of Izzy's bed with weak legs and put her clothes on.

Izzy got dressed as well and both girls had bright red faces but Alice looked bad.

The black haired Warrior seemed pale and her look was panicked.

Izzy: Are you alright? I didn't hurt you did I?

Alice: No you didn't hurt me. To be honest that was amazing.

Izzy: It really was

Alice: But we can't do it again. It would be wrong. I'm sure Owen won't be so happy.

Izzy: You're right. I'm sure your mate wouldn't be happy either.

Both she Warriors took a seat and seemed worried.

Neither wanted the truth to be known.

Izzy: Whatever happened. We don't tell anyone. Let's just go back to normal.

Alice: I would like that Izzy.

A kick to the stomach reminded Alice that things would not be normal so soon.

And raw emotion flooded the black haired Warrior and she started to cry.

Izzy: Alice! What's the matter!?

Alice: I don't know. I feel so guilty. My mate he isn't even meant to be with me.

Izzy: What are you talking about?

Alice: It's a long story you probably wouldn't want to know.

Izzy: But I do. We are close enough to have fucked I promise your secret is safe.

Doubt took over Alice's sadness but she looked in the orange haired girls eyes.

Her green sparkly eyes were filled with sincerity. And Alice knew she was safe.

Alice: There is this rogue named Grey. We met when I went to the Human Village.

Izzy: That's who the father of your kids is? And your mate?

Alice: Exactly! Which is why I lied about Cody being my mate.

Izzy: Does he know you are having his kids? Have you two even had a ceremony?

Alice: I haven't been able to tell him. And it would be impossible to have a ceremony.

Without warning Izzy stood up and helped Alice up.

Izzy: I could be able to help you. It doesn't even have to be that big!

Alice: You would do that for me?

Izzy: Obviously you big dope! You need to talk to him right away.

Alice: I want you to meet him. You are the only one I would trust.

Izzy: Of course! Let's get ready!

The two she's got ready and Izzy packed a bag that she didn't allow Alice to look in.

Izzy: It's just some snacks just incase you need a break.

It seemed that the Kingdom was running the way it always had.

Except the fact that Chris was not doing his rounds like he normally did.

Alice: That's weird. Chris is sulking in his room?.

Izzy: Yeah it is strange. Let's just go.

Avoiding any questions the two left in search of Grey.

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