Chapter Three

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its 10am in the morning, minho is sleeping very soundly when suddenly, he feels a heavy weight on him. and not the weight of a cat either.

"GOOD MORNING" was screamed in his face by two out of the three roommates while the last one stood in the door frame shaking his head.

"they got you before me huh?" he questions. no answer, just a simple nod. Minho sighs as he pushed the two smaller friends more onto his bed, trying to let himself up.


not allowed

the two friends dragged him back into bed with them, attempting to cuddle with the annoyed man.

"let me get up fucking hell" he mumbles annoyed, finally sliding through the two friends. just the did he realize seungmin sitting on the edge of the bed, chuckling to himself over the scene that had unfolded.

He gets up and heads to wash up and get ready for the morning.

a knock is heard on the bathroom door with a small 'come in', the door swings open softly.

there stood jeongin, messy hair in pajamas with a quiet yawn. "do you have any plans today?" he asks, leaning against the door frame.

"not that i know of, what's up?" minho reply's, finishing fixing his hair and stretching a bit in the small confinement.

"well, i think felix mentioning that he wants to do something, but not what we normally do. i don't know what he has in mind but it sounded like he wanted everyone to be there" jeongin said with a shrug, walking towards minho to borrow his brush to fix his hair while he's standing there.

Minho acknowledges the words spoken and mumbles an 'okay' as he walks back into his room, quickly changing out of his sleeping clothes and into black ripped, skinny jeans and a navy blue hoodie.

shuffling heard right out side his door, he opens the door to felix in a position about to knock on the olders door.

"oh hey your ready" he says, straightening up with a sheepish smile.

"yeah i am and i heard about your idea. what's your plan?" Minho asks as both him and felix begin walking to the kitchen where the other two are sitting at the bar stools.

"oh i actually don't know BUT we'll find something~" he says as everyone kinda laughs at him and shaking their heads.

"so you want to do something, but have no plan?"

his rhetorical question was answered with a small 'yup' popping the 'p' for dramatic effect.

"we could walk around the outside of the city. i know there's some abandoned buildings" Minho suggest, gaining nods from everyone

"have you ever been to any of them though?" seungmin questions as he begins to walk towards the door, putting on his shoes, as everyone follows behind him.

"yeah i've been to a couple. no one occupies them at all it's just abandoned completely. not one goes there as well because it's more or less unknown so we should be fine"

the group of 4 head out of the shared apartment in search of these buildings, chatting and laughing at each other the whole time.

before getting to the buildings, they decide to stop and grab a couple of snacks.

as the group strolls the convenience store, minho notices a strange looking man? teenage? it was hard to tell. his face was completely covered, bangs over his eyes mask over his mouth and nose and curly hair that was kind of frizzy and curled slightly, but it wasn't a bad look for the stranger he could just tell even with his face covered.

Rain and cigarettes; MinsungWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt