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Rosalynn sat huddled on the floor in front of a couch, legs pulled to her chest. She'd promised to stay quiet and listen as long as she was allowed to watch WWE on Mondays and when it was on on Fridays. She'd been there for 2 months already. The man who sat with her always watched her carefully, ready for any act of definace. Her eyes stayed on the screen. Tonight was an elimination chamber to award the NXT UK women's championship title. There were 8 people involved. The first round was between Dakota Kai and Nina Samuels. She watched as Dakota got the pin. Next, her mom entered the ring, followed shortly after by Xia Brookside. It was a fierce fight, but Rhea took the win. Jinny entered, followed by Millie Makenzie. It was a short fight, Jinny taking the round.

Tine passed, but still Rosalynn watched, waiting. The final rounds were the day after. Toni storm had beat Isla Dawn. Dakota was pinned by Rhea, sending her to finals. Toni managed to pin Jinny, though it was a close match. Rosalynn watched anxiously as Toni and Rhea entered the ring together. Rhea's face was determined, but Toni's face was fierce. She was confident. The fight was long, brutal. Neither woman would give up. Both were exhausted. She watched as Rhea wiped at her sweat, bouncing slightly. Toni lunged, giving Rhea the chance to bounce herself off the ropes as Toni ran back towards her. Rheas feet made contact with the woman's head, sending her to the floor. You could hear the sound of her groaning, and Rhea dropped to the ground, picking up Toni's legs and pulling them up, putting her full weight on her back, pinning her. The reff dropped down, hand hitting the mat.

"1" The crowd went quiet for a moment. The refs hand hit again.

"2" the yelling started up, loudly cheering for Rhea. Toni started to struggle, and Rhea pushed herself down with more pressure, stopping her from moving. The sound of the refs hand hitting the mat sounded as she called.

"3" The yelling turned to screaming. Rhea had won. The fans started to cheer, a loud chant of her name resonating through the stadium. Rhea dropped her hold on Toni and stood up. She wiped her sweat again, this time looking down at her wrist where a rose was inked into her skin. Her fingers ran over the mark for a moment before her hand was lifted in the air.

"NXT UK'S NEW WOMEN'S CHAMPION, RHEA RIPLEY!" A huge smile overtook Rhea's face as Rosalynn cheered silently. Rhea was a champion. A referee walked over, handing a belt to the other ref who passed it to Rhea. She held it in the air, taking in everything. She'd won. She kept her promise. Tears poured down her face, catching the stage lights.

Rhea slowly lowered the belt, laying it across her shoulder. The camera trailed her as she climbed through the ropes and jumped off the ring. Almost as soon as her feet hit the floor, she was moving back to head backstage. Knowing a fight like this, there would be PRESS. Rosalynn watched the screen. Watching her mom make her way to a dark-haired reporter.

"Rhea, how are you feeling tonight?" The female reporter held a microphone out to Rhea.

"I'm so exhausted, but I'm so proud of myself." She smiled, wiping sweat away again, shaking her hand slightly.

"How long have you worked to get a title?" The microphone was in front of her again, ready for another answer.

"A year now. I just turned 22." The reporter nodded, quickly moving to a new question.

"Who gave you the most motivation in this time?" Rhea smiled, a beautiful heartstopping smile. Rosalynn found herself smiling back.

"My parents and sister are big ones." Rose felt her heart drop slightly. " but my biggest motivation has to be my daughter." Her words were confident, and Rose's smile returned.

"A daughter? Tell us about her?" Rhea smiled sadly, and Rose awaited the answer. She never openly talked about her.

"She turned 7 last month. Her name is Rosalynn. And I can't wait until she's home again." Rose nodded, missing her mother every day. She wanted nothing more then to be home.

"Home again?" The reporter questioned, prying for more information. Rose rolled her eyes. Of course she wanted more information.

"Yea. She's been missing for 2 months." The answer was simple, and her tone put an end to the questions.

"Well, good match tonight, and congratulations again! I can't wait to see you in the ring again!" The woman was more excited than necessary, and Rhea walked away as she nodded. The camera followed a few steps behind. The screen went black as her dressing room door shut, a sign with her name on the door. A commercial flashed on the screen, marking the end of the episode.

"Alright. You know what time it is." The man's voice was gruff. Rose immediately stood up, turning to face the man. She made her way into the master bedroom and into the closet, standing next to the large safe inside as she waited for him to unlock the door. Once he did, she stepped inside, moving to the bed inside the room. The door clicked shut, the lick slipping into place firmly. She simply laid herself down and covered up with the thin blanket as the light turned off. She laid in silence for who knows how long. Tomorrow, she had a school lesson and a hair appointment.

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