14. Standing Next To You.

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"Amidst fear and the possibility of error, in the quest to save you, I vow to stands next to you, even if the world stands against you."

After a brisk walk of nearly 20 minutes, Taehyung arrived at the Jeon household

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After a brisk walk of nearly 20 minutes, Taehyung arrived at the Jeon household. It was around 10:30 in the morning, and he knew that the occupants of the house were early risers. Joonwoo may had already headed to his café, while Jimin had a day off thats mean his friend is still sleeping, maybe Jungkook is home, Taehyung didn't hesitate to press the doorbell. The familiarity of the house made it feel more like his own home than his actual residence.

As the door swung open, Taehyung's eyes widened in awe at the sight before him. There stood Jungkook, his appearance softened by sleepiness. With one eye rubbed and the other closed, his hair tousled and lips curved into an unintentional pout, Jungkook exuded an irresistible charm. Taehyung felt an overwhelming urge to embrace the man, if only for a fleeting moment. Just one second in his arms would be enough to fill Taehyung's heart.

"Good morning, hyung," Taehyung greeted softly, his voice carrying a gentle warmth. He didn't want to startle the still sleepy-looking man before him. There was a tenderness in his tone, as if he were navigating through a maze of emotions, one that he entered when he fell in love with this man.

Jungkook's reaction was instantaneous as he heard Taehyung's voice. He jumped slightly, not expecting to see the boy, especially after the events of the previous night. His eyes widened in surprise, and the remnants of sleepiness evaporated instantly, replaced by a sense of alertness. "Oh... Taehyung... hi..." Jungkook greeted, his voice tinged with a hint of awkwardness.

Taehyung's eyebrows furrowed as he noticed the absence of warmth in Jungkook's voice, which he likes the most! Ignoring that Taehyung thought maybe the older man is still sleeping, " how are yo-" he was about to inquire further when his eyes fell upon the vivid red marks that adorned Jungkook's neck, stark against his pale skin. The sight was alarming, and Taehyung's concern heightened instantly. Hastily stepping inside the house, he closed the distance between them, his gaze fixed intently on Jungkook's neck. "What happened to you?" he asked urgently,

Before Taehyung could receive an answer from Jungkook, Jimin appeared seemingly out of nowhere. With swift determination, he pulled Jungkook back, positioning himself like a protective barrier between them. His stance was firm, indicating his readiness to shield Jungkook from any perceived threat, real or imagined.

"W-hat?" Taehyung exclaimed softly, his confusion evident. It was puzzling why Jimin was acting as a barrier between him and Jungkook. All Taehyung wanted was to understand what had happened to Jungkook and who had left those marks on his neck. The need for answers gnawed at him, fueling his frustration and determination to uncover the truth.

As Jimin stood there, a mix of disbelief and self-disappointment washed over him. He couldn't believe he had acted so impulsively, putting himself between Taehyung and Jungkook. The sight of Taehyung drawing closer to his brother had triggered a flood of memories from the previous night, stirring up emotions he struggled to contain. Despite knowing that Taehyung was grappling with something significant, his instinct to protect his brother had kicked in, driving him to intervene before he could even think twice about it.

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