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The Talk of the Ton

The Talk of the Ton

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(Word count: 1019)

 Aemma was the talk of the ton, during the latest season the death of her family occurred, leaving them to gossip about the tragedy. Even before their deaths she had been talked about, she had not produced any sons. It was a shame, they whispered, for a woman of her beauty and status. Her husband, Lord Seaton, seemed to be unphased by this, always by her side. That was until he fell ill, taking their two young daughter not long after.

 Since she had not produced any heirs their estate passed to his brother, so she returned to her mama and papa's. He had insisted she stayed, for he always preferred her over all his brother's wives, but she couldn't stay in the same home her children died in. Her in-laws were kind, but she felt as if she was constantly reminded of her failures as a wife.

Aemma often found herself walking through the garden, the sun shining down on her, the flowers swaying in the breeze. She would sit down on a bench, watching a squirrel scurry about, gathering nuts for the winter. It always made her think of her girls, how they would love to see the animals and the birds. Her heart ached for them, for their father.

The season was quickly approaching, the season where all the eligible young men and women would gather in the capital to find a suitable partner. She knew that her chances of finding a new husband were slim to none, but she was to atleast try, for she could not stay at her Mama's and Papa's forever. For her eldest brother was soon to take over as head of the house, and he was to marry.

The morning of the first ball, her lady's helpers had spent hours making sure her dress was perfect, the jewels adorning her were the most gorgeous she had seen. Her hair was pinned up into an elaborate style, with a single diamond hairpin that her late husband had given her as a gift. She wore the matching necklace he had given her for their third anniversary, right before he got sick. Aemma took a deep breath as she sat in the carriage, the servant next to her making sure her dress didn't wrinkle.

As the carriage pulled up to the ball, she could hear the music playing inside, the laughter of the guests mixing with the scent of flowers and perfume. Her heart raced as she took a step out of the carriage. She smoothed her dress, adjusted the diamond necklace around her neck, and took a deep breath. The butler opened the door for her, and she stepped inside, feeling like everyone's eyes were on her.

The ballroom was a sight to behold, with its high ceilings, crystal chandeliers, and gleaming parquet floor. Hundreds of people milled about, dressed in their finest attire, and she could feel the weight of their expectations pressing down on her. She wished she could just blend into the crowd, disappear from their scrutiny, but she knew that was impossible. She forced herself to walk gracefully through the crowd.

Coming to a halt where the table of cakes sat, Aemma placed her gloved hands on her hips, taking a deep breath. She closed her eyes for a moment, trying to steady her nerves. The ball was in full swing, and she'd managed to avoid the worst of the stares and whispers so far. At least, she thought, they were being polite about it. She took another deep breath, willing herself to relax, and then turned to face the room once more.

The Bridgetons approached her, Violet sent her a small smile. " Aemma?" She asked, Aemma nodded. They all looked at her as if, if they look to long she would break and it made her aggravated.

" We were sorry to hear of the recent tragedy, you had to endure." Anthony spoke with a smile.

Aemma nodded she had seen the Bridgetons around but none of them had ever approached her, shocked was an understatement. " I appreciate your kind words." They all stood there in silence for a few minutes until Violet elbowed another man who had been quitet.

Benedict smiled and stuck out his hand. "May I have this dance?" he asked. She hesitated for a moment, feeling the warmth of his hand in hers, and then nodded. As the orchestra began to play a waltz, they stepped out onto the dance floor, moving gracefully together. Everyone's eyes suddenly move to them, and Aemma could feel the weight of their stares again, but she ignored it as she focused on Benedict.

" Tell me, was your husband good to you." Benedict spoke softly, his words almost lost in the music. "Did he treat you well?" Aemma swallowed. "He was... kind. He loved our children." She looked down, avoiding his gaze, she coughed. " We loved and respected each other but not the love married people should have." He nodded spinning her around.

They danced in silence for a moment, lost in their own thoughts, before Aemma spoke up. " I do not wish to be here, but I must find a husband to provide for me."

" That is a good reason I suppose." Aemma chuckled. " Yes."

They continued to dance, lost in their own world, as the orchestra played on. Around them, the other guests talked and laughed. The night sky above was filled with stars, twinkling brightly like tiny candles in the velvet blackness.

 The song comes to an end and the two seperate. Aemma looks around the room, taking in the faces of her family and the ton.
She didn't want the pity, it was just most of these people she grew up with, learnt with.  They were all in this together, but they moved on, and Aemma would be left behind, the widow of a man she wasn't in love with, a mother to dead children, forced to do this process over again.


HEYYY!!! I hope you enjoy and have a great day or night!!!

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⏰ Last updated: May 10 ⏰

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