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"Ellie! Wake up!"

Elizabeth awoke, her eyes meeting the emerald gaze of her twin brother. "Another nightmare?" Harry inquired, his concern evident.

Elizabeth simply nodded, prompting Harry to press further, "Are you sure you don't wanna talk about it?"

"I'm fine, Harry, I really am," Elizabeth replied. Harry was on the verge of contradicting her when Aunt Petunia's voice intruded: "Up! Get up! Now!".

The siblings shared a disgruntled glance as Harry swung open the door to their cramped cupboard. Elizabeth couldn't help but think, 'Today will be an awful day, after all, it is Diddykins' birthday.'

"Bring me my coffee, Lizabeth!" bellowed Uncle Vernon. 'My name is Elizabeth!' the young girl yearned to retort.

However, Harry intercepted her, gripping her hands with a knowing look. He silently urged her to maintain her composure. Grateful for her brother's intervention, Elizabeth cast a glance of appreciation in his direction, realizing he may have just spared her another week of meager rations.

"Thank you, Harry," she whispered, and he offered a tender smile in response.

Suddenly, Dudley's high-pitched voice pierced the air, forcing Elizabeth to cover her ears instinctively. "Only 36 presents? Last time I got 37, I don't care about the size!"

Aunt Petunia attempted to pacify her son, promising him two additional gifts. 'What a spoiled little bitch!' Elizabeth thought to herself in disdain.


"Move, move!" Dudley barked at the snake, his impatience palpable. "Oh, how dreadfully boring you are!"

Harry retorted, calmly noting that the snake was asleep. However, the severly overweight boy paid no heed, contemptuously dismissing Harry's remark as he sauntered away.

"Poor boy, I'm sure you're tired laying there all day, watching people press their ugly faces on you," Elizabeth whispered compassionately, her voice filled with genuine empathy. At that moment, the snake opened its eyes, fixing its gaze upon the young girl.

"Can you understand me?" Elizabeth asked softly, with surprise in her voice. The serpent nodded, leaving Elizabeth astounded. She looked over at her brother, sharing the disbelief they both felt. "I have never talked to a snake before," she murmured, her astonishment evident.
Harry, still struggling to process what just occurred, admitted, "Me neither. 'Do you miss your family?'" Harry inquired, directing his question towards the snake.

The reptile reacted by motioning towards a sign that read 'bred in captivity'. "Same about us. We never knew our parents either," Harry added, his voice tinged with sadness.

All of the sudden, their beloved cousin lunged towards the snake's enclosure, pressing his repugnant face against the glass as he ogled the creature with his bulging eyes. Elizabeth cast him a disdainful glance, only for the glass partition to inexplicably vanish, causing Dudley to tumble into the cage. Seizing the opportunity, the serpent promptly made its escape, hissing a word of gratitude to the twins before slithering away, inciting panic among the onlookers.
Within the snake's enclosure, a deafening scream reverberated, the glass reappeared as Dudley found himself trapped within. Vernon and Petunia frantically rushed to their son's aid, their voices filled with alarm and anguish.

Harry and Elizabeth exchanged a mischievous smirk, unable to contain their laughter, much to the chagrin of Uncle Vernon, who cast an evil glare in their direction.


Aunt Petunia guided a trembling and drenched Dudley, tenderly supporting him to stand upright. Following closely behind, Uncle Vernon sternly grasped the collars of the twins' clothing, briskly pulling them along.

"What happened?" he demanded, his anger palpable in his voice.

"I don't know, the glass was there and then it just disspeared"," Harry replied.

Elizabeth added, "It was like magic." Vernon forcefully ushered the twins back into their cramped cupboard and firmly shut the door.

"There's no such thing as magic!"

As the twins sat in the dark cupboard, they couldn't help but wonder. It was as if something strange and unexplainable had happened. They had spoken to a snake, and it had understood them. The glass had disappeared and reappeared at will, and even Dudley had been sent flying into the enclosure. It was all so surreal, so magical.

Elizabeth turned to Harry, her eyes shining with excitement. "Do you think... do you think it really was magic?" she whispered.

Harry shrugged, his brow furrowed in thought. "I don't know. I mean, it felt like it, but..." He trailed off, unsure how to explain the strange events that had unfolded before them.

Elizabeth leaned forward, her hands pressed against the wood of the cupboard door. "Maybe we have magic inside us," she whispered, her voice tinged with awe. "Like Dudley said, we're not normal, and we don't belong here."

Harry considered this, his eyes distant as he remembered the strange sensation of the glass disappearing and reappearing. "I guess we're not, are we?" he replied, a small smile tugging at the corners of his mouth.

Maybe there was such thing as magic...

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