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"Okay Namaari, this guy is not my boyfriend, he's not even a friend. And also, here." Raya tosses the scroll to Namaari's feet. "I'm done using it, anyway."

But before the scroll could land, something small, fast, and pink came flying in and caught it in its mouth. It flew up to Jim, where he and his mom could see that it was a pink blob with big eyes as it wagged its tail with happy delight.

An older man's voice calls out, "Morph. You blubbering ball of mischief. So that's where ye went off to."

The pink blob drops the scroll into Jim's hands changes its form into a miniature Sisu, and flies around the scroll making cute little chirps.

It turned back to its pink self and nuzzled Jim's check affectionately, "Wha- Ha! What is that thing?" Jim asked.

"What is that thing?" The pink blob mimics Jim's question.

Jim poked the pink blob with a simple touch, and it soon burst into tiny bubbles and took form into a miniature version of himself standing on his finger. Copying his every movement before turning back into its original form and giving him a lick on the cheek.

"He's a morph. I rescued the little shape-shifter on Proteus 1." The pink shapeshifting blob, Morph, flies over to the older man who wasn't a man Raya or Namaari had ever seen before.

He did look a bit human, but there were a lot of metal parts sticking to him. One looked like a peg leg, an arm, and a hand moving like a real limb, but the most surprising thing of all was its left eye glowing an orange-yellow-red-like color.

Raya and Namaari were taken aback by the guy's appearance, while Jim and Sarah weren't as surprised as the two princesses.

"Who or what are you?" Namaari demands, or rather questions, the man.

"What? You lasses never seen a cyborg before?" said the cyborg.

"No, and I don't know what that is," Raya admitted.

Jim, Sarah, and the Cyborg looked at her and Namaari as if they had grown a third head.

"What planet have you girls been living on to not know what a Cyborg is?" Jim asked.

Before Sarah could scold her son's tone of voice, the cry of a baby and the screeching noises of monkeys caught their attention.

As suddenly as the noises were made, a baby and three monkeys came running in, as a dog-like human and cat-like human race after them. Two of the three monkeys were holding a book and a part of familiar glasses.

"Stop those simians and baby!" The dog man shouted.

"Don't worry, I got it." said Sisu, as she used her body to block the monkeys and the baby from escaping. They try to go around, but a big shell and furry creature come out and block them too.

"Tuk Tuk." Raya exclaimed as she hugged her beloved pet/friend.

While Sarah easily scooped up the baby girl and held her protectively tight. 

"Those are not toys for you, little one." said Sarah.

The baby reluctantly orders the monkey to give Jim, who had his hand out as a sign to give them back, and the dog man's specs.

Sarah turns and gives the dog man a look of disappointment.

"Really Delbert? You were chasing after a baby?" said Sarah. 

"That baby is a conned me and a young Thatch." said Delbert.

"Who?" Jim and Raya asked.


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⏰ Last updated: May 13 ⏰

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