Hello again

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It's been 2 years since u last saw everyone. U and Kenny had a fight. But now your back.
Everyone is at backlash
Matt:  Any word?
Kenny: No.
Hunter: Hey guys I think there is something u should see.
Billie walks up
Billie: Hi I'm billy and I'm Alex's girlfriend. He's making his debut right now.

After 40 minutes
U hit a superkick then a Comet . ( shooting star)
U r shocked
U get to the back
Billie hugs u
Alex: I have something for u baby.
U hand her the belt.
Billie: I'm proud of you.
Athena walks in
Athena: U r now minion number 1.
Alex: Thank you my overlord.
She walks out.
Alex: Almost said queen but I remembered u r my queen.
Billie smiles
Alex: Listen guys I love u 3 but I'm hurting and I don't have the energy so how about Tuesday we talk this out over a bite to eat us 5?
Matt: Sure. Great to see u buddy.
Alex:aw fuck it.
U hug them.
Matt: We missed u.
Nick: So u and Billie.
Alex: Omg no.
U start walking away.
Alex: come on love.
Billie: Coming.
The next day.
Billie: Someone is not wearing a shirt.
Alex: I'm sorry love it got really hot last night.
Billie: I don't mind.
She rubs her thumb on your neck.
Alex: Oh that feels good.
Billie: Relax for me
After she pops your neck
Alex: Oh I feel human.
Billie: Now I need a payment.
U flip her over
Alex: What do you want?
Billie: How about you?
Alex: I can make that happen. But-
Billie: We r dating and we want this it's fine now kiss me.
She kisses u passionately
After that
Billie: That was amazing.
Alex: Glad I could help beautiful.
Billie: come on we need a shower
U pick her up
Alex: Round 2.
Billie: Aw babe!
A few days later
The guys are over
Alex: Honey the guys are here!
She walks down
Billie: Hey.
Alex: I have something to tell you. I'm going to London to sing my new song.
Billie: When!?
Alex: 3 hours. I'll be back in 3 days. I promise.
Billie: 3!
Alex: Honey relax. U will be okay I promise.
Billie: Okay
Concert time
Athena: It's noon it's better be a good show.
With you.
Alex: Before we get started I want to say hi to my family back home. Thank you for watching this also my baby. I love you and I miss you. I'll be holding you in my arms soon. Now this song is called talk dirty to me. Now before u say anything yes that kind of talking dirty. I made this song at 3 Am while my girlfriend was mad at me but she was still looking hot AF and it was torture!
The crowd laughed.
Alex: This will land me in hot water with my gf too because I'm here and she's not. Just to tease her even more
u take off your shirt.
Alex: Shall we?

Alex: Thank you Chainz for giving a lot of men ideas for names for contacts. Now this one is for my baby. Just listen beautiful.

Alex: And finally one for me

The next day u get home.
U immediately go lay down on your bed
Alex: Oh I've missed you. Okay time to sleep forever.
Billie walks out of the shower.
Billie: Babe!
She jumps on you and kisses u.
Alex: Mmm hi baby. I've missed you so much.
Billie: Babe your phone
U hand it to her
Alex: I have no filter plus u are nice.
Billie: Hi Hunter. Yea he just got home. He's currently trying to sleep. Yea oh u need him now?
U scream into your pillow
Billie: He's a bit cranky.
Alex: I was away from you of course I am .
Billie: Yes sir. We will see u tomorrow.
She hangs up
Billie: He heard you. He gave us another day off.
Alex: Good
U kiss her
It gets heated.
Alex: Wasn't expecting this but it works
Billie: Shall we continue?
Alex: Do you want to or do want to take a nap.
Billie: Sleep.
U plus her close.
Alex: I've missed you laying next to me.
Billie: I have a idea?
Alex: Yes please move in.
Billie: Yay!
She kisses u.
Alex: Mmm. No I said sleep.
Billie: Okay okay.
The next morning.
Alex: God damn I was tired.
Billie is asleep on your chest.
Alex: Every morning I thank God your mine.
Billie: I brag that your mine.
Alex: My naughty girl.
Billie: I learned that from you.
Alex: Shhh don't tell anyone
Billie: I have to be honest. I cheated on you with Nick Wayne when u were gone. I was lonely I'm sorry.
Alex: I need time to think.
Later after your match.
The elite pull u to the side cause they can see something is up.
U sit there looking at the ground while blood is dripping onto your gear.
Nick: Talk to us man.
Alex: Billie cheated on me with Nick.
Matt: Are u kidding me.
U see Kenny run off
U guys go after him
U pull him off Nick and pin him against the wall.
Hunter watches
Alex: Listen good brother. I don't care what he did we do our business in the ring. Now go to the locker room and cool off. Matt go with.
They walk off
Hunter: everything okay?
Alex: No that little guy screwed my gf well ex will I was in London. So I either want to be fired so I can work on music or moved to smackdown.
Hunter: U can't go to Smackdown. Your our champion.
U hand him the belt.
Alex: Just made my decision alot easier.
U walk off
Nick: Alex think about this man. Give me a sec.
They take you to the trainers to get patched up.
U see Billie Athena and Nick.
Alex: Boys behave.
Matt: We r good
Alex: Nick U okay?
Nick: Thank you.
Alex: I did it for Billie not for you. Now we have a few people here. I'm telling you this now if I hear that u cheated on her or hurt her in anyway. No one on gods green will save you from the ass beating u will get. U treat her right we r good.
Nick: yes sir
Athena: What's up?
Alex: I quit so I no longer work here. I'm going to work on my music I might not return. I found the best thing because of wrestling and it took it away so I taking a step back.
Athena: Will u still be there for me?
Alex: Always. No matter what your still my overlord.
Athena: Good boy.
A few months passed
U r backstage and u see hunters kids
Alex: Hey guys
They hug u.
Alex: We behaving for mom and dad.
Stephanie: No they are not.
Alex: Okay so if I sing your welcome will I behave.
Kids: Yes!
Stephanie: Thank you.

Cold hearted Billie Starks x ocWhere stories live. Discover now