Part 1 - The Calm Before the Storm

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3rd POV
South Bend, Indiana

The scene is at an amusement park. The sky was dark. The clouds covered the stars. The park itself was bustling with all kinds of people. Little kids and their parents, teen couples, married men, and women in their 30s. The park was expectedly busy for the final night of summer break. The music being blasted on the speakers was a compilation of 80s music like Prince's Purple Rain and Michael Jackson's Thriller.

The camera pans down to four people. Logan and Kylie Kenway and Duncan and Megen Blake on a double date.

Logan and Kylie got back from their honeymoon a week ago. When they got back, Duncan pitched the idea for this double date. Megen didn't like double dates since she felt all it was, was two couples competing against each other. But Duncan talked her into it.

Logan, a 27-year-old Med-School graduate, worked as a rookie dentist. He was lucky enough to get employed to the same place his wife, Kylie, worked at. Kylie is also a dentist. She is technically Logan's boss. They're a British-Aussie couple. Kylie moved to Australia when she turned 20 to study Dental Medicine in America, where she eventually got her DMD. Logan is British, so him being a dentist is pretty ironic. His family moved to America when he was 15 back in 1974. In high school, he met Duncan Blake.

Duncan, also 27, is the more big headed of the two. But overall, he's cool. In college, he was a defensive lineman for the football team, but that career was short-lived when he had to retire due to suffering a head injury that was more severe than what the doctors originally anticipated. He got through it, but he started to become noticeably more anger-prone afterward. In college, he met his wife Megen. A valedictorian and star student. She went on to law school and eventually became an attorney. She was the more logical, no nonsense, of the two. But they were happy. After college, he became a police officer for the South Bend Police Department, which he works at now. But currently enjoying a rare day off.

Logan: "Hey Duncan! Let's see if that police training paid off!" He challenged his friend

Logan was at a carnie game. One where you had to shoot bottles with a BB Gun.

Duncan: "I'll take that! How much do you want to wager?"

The two aren't strangers to betting. Something about 'Being the Alpha Male'. They would bet on who would die before the other if they knew a way the dead could pay up.

Logan: "We bet 50 bucks, each, for whoever gets the higher score?"

In 1986, 50 dollars was real betting money. Around $142 today. So, in total, it would be a $284 bet today.

Duncan: "You're as stupid as you look! You're on!"

Logan: "You may have training, but I know for a fact that I have better hand-eye coordination than you!"

Duncan: "Why don't you put your money where your mouth is if you're so confident!? Ladies first!"

Logan took that first part literally and placed a roll of 5 $10 bills in his mouth while smirking

Megen: "You two are actually children!" The first time she spoke since the two started to pump their chests. But her words fell on deaf ears

Logan's skills were on full display. The goal was to shoot 20 bottles while they moved with increasing speeds. Logan got 18/20. Impressive.

Logan took the money out of his mouth and said with a shit eating grin

Logan: "No pressure, mate!"

Duncan picked up the gun and looked back at Logan who was doing the money hand gesture.

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⏰ Last updated: May 16 ⏰

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